Saturday 21 December 2019

Hospital bound.

This illustration is from about 100 years ago, and shows a London Hospital at Christmas, where 'clowns' are entertaining children who are sadly too ill to be at home. 

I've never spent a Christmas in hospital, nor (if I remember correctly) have I ever been ill over Christmas.

So, especially this year, I'm thinking of all those children, the world over, who are ill, injured, or disabled, and are unable to spend Christmas at home with their families.

I do know it's impossible, but, via the airwaves, I send them all my love and very best wishes. xx


  1. I have not spent Christmas in hospital but your post brought back memories of when I was about 11. I had been ill for some weeks, just wanted to sleep all the time. The doctor felt sorry for me and said I could get up on Christmas Day but I only lasted a short while before going back to bed. 5 days later I was at the hospital have a Mantoux test which must have been negative thank goodness. They never discovered what the problem was but it must have come right eventually although I have had similar episodes a few times since then. I was, obviously feeling very unwell to go back to bed almost straight away.

    1. I don't remember that. Most adults would feel a bit cheated if they were ill for Christmas, but for children it's far worse. For them it's almost the end of the world.

    2. Thanks for the Christmas wishes. I hope Lady M. showed you ours.

    3. I think I felt too ill to worry.

  2. You brought tears to me eyes. What a nice thought for children who can't be home with their families and have a normal Christmas......or a Happy Holidays (insert rolling eyes emoticon).

    1. I was sitting last night, thinking of how lucky we are to have two small grandsons with us this year. It made me think of those who aren't so lucky.

  3. I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

    1. And to you Yael. Let's hope 2020 is peaceful. xx

  4. Australia is in the news every day here. Hope Santa brings them some rain and respite.

    1. A friend of ours has just been moved out of her home, and into the city. She doesn't know if her home will still be there when she returns. What a way to spend Christmas!

    2. I heard 4 cities are in the paths of fires. The smoke pollution must be terrible. Can't even open the window I should think. They said its 47 C someplace. The firebrigade have saved many homes the reporter said.

  5. As we are still in fact in an Ice Age, getting towards the end of it, the heat is the beginning of the end of the Ice Age and has nothing to do with global warming, but is part of climate changes that have been occurring for billions of years.

    1. Ice ages and global warmings are cyclical. Nowt one can do about them; it's nature.

  6. Those are very kind words. Thankfully, neither of our children have been ill enough to spend time in a hospital, at Christmas or otherwise. Husband had a horrible flu one year. He got dressed long enough to be part of opening presents, and then went back to bed where he stayed for a few days! Health and happiness to you and yours. -Jenn

    1. I don't like to think of children in hospital over Christmas, but of course it happens all over the world. Some have simple illnesses, others are critical. Whatever their prognosis, I feel very sorry for all of them.

  7. Unfortunately I know several people who are in the hospital right now. However they are not children and hopefully 'may' make it home before Christmas day. You are very lucky indeed to have those grandchildren with you for Christmas this year. Enjoy them!

    1. Even our own dear 'Phil the Greek' is in hospital; they do say he'll be home for the big day. We'll see.

  8. I hope your friend and her home will be safe. I lost my home in a 1993 Laguna Beach California firestorm right before Christmas. I had three children packed into a car running from the fire. I remember telling them if the fire over takes us to stay together and run into the Ocean . We were on Pacific Coast Hwy at the time driving South from our home.
    I feel so sad for the people, land, and animals caught up in that firestorm. It will be a rough road back for everyone.
    I know you will have a wonderful Christmas this year with you family.
    Merry Christmas and a better 2020 for us all.
    cheers, gayle

    1. Fire is a terrible thing. It must be devastating to return to nothing but ashes.

  9. I've never been able to cope with clowns. I think if I'd been ill and presented with them I'd have a relapse.

    1. It seems that a lot of people are not keen on clowns. Personally I rather like them.
