Friday 13 December 2019


I don't usually buy tresses of Garlic, they seem touristy and expensive.

Normally I go for the loose, purple skinned variety that a nice lady sells at our small Saturday market.

However, this time I threw caution to the winds and plumped for the above. Bizarrely, it was kilo for kilo cheaper than the loose bulbs, and the cloves themselves looked beautifully plump.

I recently separated the cloves from an entire bulb, left the outer skins on, and roasted them with a Chicken and some spuds. Nothing special about that.

They were spectacular; the outer skins came away easily, and the big fat interior Garlic cloves popped out perfectly, and were absolutely delicious. I don't know what variety they are, but they are quite different to my usual ones.

Not a lot gets cooked around here without Garlic, so we use quite a lot. I shall definitely be buying these again.

They also keep Witches and Socialism away!


  1. We eat garlic every day. As you say it keeps bad spirits away. Hopefully we can all breathe a little easier now.

    1. A huge sigh of relief in this house, but we always knew that Corbyn was unelectable. However, my prediction for a hung parliament was totally wrong.

    2. Corbyn should now move to Venezuela 🇻🇪

    3. I hear it was a toss-up between Venezuela and Gaza.

  2. We eat loads of garlic too. These bulbs sound perfect. Haven't bought a string in a long time. Gypsies used to come around selling them but they're not allowed on the island now.

    1. I don't know quite why this particular tress is so good, it must be down to the variety.

  3. My mother once threatened to throw me out if I ate garlic.
    (ps - It's vampires, not witches. I count myself as a witch and I eat plenty of garlic :) )

    1. Vampires Shampires. They're all the same to me. Garlic tidies the place up. Now I know why you hide in your attic!

  4. While I like and eat garlic, I hate people smelling of garlic. They must have to eat an awful lot to stink of it.

    1. I think you have to eat lots of raw garlic to really smell of it. I eat a lot, and only very occasionally does Lady M complain.

  5. It reminds me that I want to see if garlic can be grown here. In the garden.

    1. I've never had much luck growing it; I now leave it to others.

  6. Very fond of garlic, and supposedly, if you plant it beneath roses it will keep greenfly away. I tried it once, no greenfly - but then, I might not have had any that year??

    1. I also heard that if one rubs it onto the road surface, it keeps Hippos away. Not seen any around here for years. It obviously works.

  7. I also cook with garlic as food tastes so much better with it as an ingredient. I often roast my garlic like you and it is wonderful. However, I don’t overdo it because of the odor that comes after. I once worked with a lady who was a terrific cook, but she overdid the garlic and it was not only her bad breath, but it came from her pores also. We all stood many steps away from her at times.

    1. Here in France I imagine everyone smells slightly of Garlic, but to us it's normal.

  8. I really miss the big, purple garlics. We can only buy small ones in our local supermarket. Paul has already planted his own for next year.

    1. I usually buy the purple bulbs from the lady at the V dy Pd market (she might have appeared since you left), which are wonderful. But these are even better. I can't grow them myself, they end up as one big bulb.

  9. I don't knowingly eat garlic and have never bought it . It's easier to avoid here in the UK.
    We are glad to have helped our local MP get returned to Westminster with a greater share of the vote and very pleased with the majority achieved by the Conservatives. Sorry that you notionally lose your £5 bet but very happy that the UK will leave the EU.

    1. I was being selfish I suppose, I was hoping that my status here would be better under a 'remain' vote. Looks like I lose my bet on Jan 31st.

  10. I love garlic! Growing up in New Orleans and mom being French (D'Aquin) the trinity in cooking for us was garlic, onions, and green pepper. And if it keeps away vampires (or some people) all the better.

    1. I agree with the 'some people'.I know one or two I'd very much like to keep away.

  11. Well it certainly worked here yesterday then didn't it Cro!

    1. As far as I'm concerned, it had the right effect. Not everyone is so happy, however. I hear the rioters have already taken to the streets.

  12. I'm not aware of anyone who doesn't use garlic but I do blanche when people use so much that it oozes from their pores. I have a jar of pickled garlic that i've not quite got into yet. Pickled onions I can devour by the kilo (I've been told a million times not to exaggerate), pickled walnuts and gherkins by the jar but I'm still wary of the garlic.

    1. I love those pickled Garlics. They are very expensive here (I expect they are everywhere), so a jar is a treat. They probably have a stronger aroma because they're pickled raw.

  13. If you get a winter frost, plant some of those cloves in Haddocks...

    1. I've abandoned my Garlic growing; they never did well. Certain things I leave to the Pro's, and concentrate on others that I know grow well.

  14. I check where the Garlic come from before I buy it. The majority of the stuff sold here in Canada is imported from China. I tried planting some out in the back 40, no idea what happened. I blame the bloody squirrel, he ate my crocus bulbs..

    1. The above tress was French grown; I checked. How about growing a few bulbs in pots; away from your Squirrel?
