Monday 23 December 2019

A Canine Christmas.

In my opinion, most reasonable sized dogs would prefer to sleep in a box of fresh straw in a barn, rather than in a dogzy-wogzy fur lined, tinsel covered, plastic bed, with paw prints all over the wretched thing.

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Dogs (or even cats) are not really interested in Christmas, and they don't understand why their humans dress them in silly red suits. They don't want flashing red bow ties, nor do they want mince pie flavoured bone-shaped biscuits, or Christmas McDoggets. What they really want, is for it to be like any other day.... dogs like routine.

Popular presents this year are velcro fastened fluffy Lion Mane collars, Reindeer antlers (yes, we had one for Monty), squeezy rubber beef burgers, Dugg Boots, and the ever popular dog bowls with Bonzo or Rover written all over them.

Of course all dogs want their slice of Turkey or Tofurkey (for veggie dogs), and they never say no to a Parson's Nose, but otherwise they like Christmas day to be just like any other!

"Now, come here Billy.... and pull this cracker!"


  1. Sophie was trimmed last week and came home smelling strongly of some perfume and with a red bow round her neck.

    1. I think Billy would bite me if I tried to dress him in something 'Christmassy'.

    2. Or, Cro.... rip the danged stuff off and destroy it!

    3. Luckily we don't have anything to rip off. This is a non-decorated-dog household.

  2. My Border Collie enjoyed Christmas Day... he and the Heinz Three were not dressed up... it was just another doggieday... walk, breakfast... treats AFTER the meal in their bowls....
    Then came "parcel opening time"... and yes, they had presents under the tree.
    Leather knotted chew, Bonios, replacement Squeaky chicken or bone... wrapped! They had to unwrap their presents themselves... and that was part of our entertainment.
    The cats... they looked on in a superior "we are above all this" manner...
    Yes, there was a lot of mess of small torn bits of paper... some of it quite slobbery-soggy... but nothing that was inconvenient to clear.
    But dressing dogs up, and cats for that matter... cruel and selfish!

    1. Billy of course has wrapped presents. He has a Pig's ear, a dog whistle, and I can't remember the rest!

  3. Dressing dogs, or cats, at any time of the year seems ridiculous to me. Aren't their natural fur coats made to keep them warm .
    However, always a however, a husky shouldn't be allowed to live in the tropics and a tropical dog, whatever breed they may be, shouldn't be made to live in Alaska.
    Buy local ,even your pet.

    1. The only dogs who should be dressed in silly outfits are those tiny things that people keep in their handbags; dressing-up suits them!

  4. I've never pulled a cracker with a dog and I expect it would work, but then the dog gets a fright from the bang.

    1. Is this a euphemism; or do I just have a dirty mind?

  5. Couldn’t agree more. Ellie our rescue collie has a perfectly beautiful coat of her own. Walking to the woods the other day a daft tart all dressed up to the nines, tottered by with a yappy terrier dressed in a Christmas jumper. ‘Morning!’ she cried after the full on yapping had made us both jump. As she swept by I very grumpily and not at all with any degree of good cheer thought... Not happy with dressing the dog in a stupid jumper, I bet in your wardrobe you have a fur much better suited to the animal that it came from than YOU!
    Ho, ho, ho!


    1. I presume that's your Collie in the tiny picture. Having the same breed, I agree that their coats are perfect. Neither he, nor I, would want it covered.

    2. That picture is of my much loved collie Lettice, it took me six years to build up confidence to feel I would love another one half as much. Ellie, another rescue is very different and I love her in a totally different way.


    3. I didn't think I'd ever have another dog after Bok..... but.....

  6. I’ve seen dogs wearing little bootees presumably to rote the their paws from the over abundance of salt and grit on the pavements even when it’s raining like today. Still no sign of the white Christmas the weather man has been sort of forecasting (without much confidence) for the past week.

  7. Nice people you have here Cro. Happy days. Happy Christmas to the world of dogs and dog owners.

  8. Rick says he wouldn't say no to a mince pie flavoured bone-shaped biscuit. Santa might bring him a new tennis ball if he's lucky.

    1. Billy's getting a Pig's ear, amongst other things.

  9. I hate to see dogs dressed up in all sorts of rubbish at any time of year. Now it's the holiday season and we are seeing rampaging dogs on the beach upsetting the seals and their pups. One woman said to the wardens, after they'd tried to turf her off, that the seals 'are messing up the beach and should be shot'. I think the dogs and their owners need to be shot, the seals were there first! No doubt there'll be other fun and games with the visitors over the Xmas period....

    1. What a bloody cheek, are you sure she wasn't joking? She must have a strange sense of cigol (logic backwards).

  10. My cat's flea collar is red and sparkly, but that's because there's not a lot of choice locally. She enjoys the process of having the old one taken off and the new one fitted, and sits patiently on my lap until I've finished fiddling with it.

    1. Billy has a red collar, but it's been passed down to him from our last dog Bok. It's a family heirloom.

  11. Miss Poppy gets 3 bags of temptations every Christmas and gets a couple extra on Christmas day. But like you I believe she is just happy to have me home all day.

    1. I quite expect Billy will have some bits of Turkey on the 26th, but otherwise he'll just have a couple of simple gifts.

  12. Lucy,spaniel, has a new soft toy, she spends much of her time carrying something in her mouth. Could it be the puppies she never had? Sometimes we take the natural order away from our animals, like that cruel dressing up.

    1. I do hope people don't buy outfits like the one I illustrated; dogs would hate them.

  13. As children our gentle cat spent its life being dressed up and pushed around in a toy pram. Yeah I know was a long time ago tho.

    1. I expect an awful lot of cats were pushed around in prams.They suffered in silence.

  14. What pets want, just like humans, is love. They may not appreciate your gifts, but they love that they are getting your attention.

    1. They like to be appreciated, and felt welcome; like all of us!

  15. A bit like young kids being more interested in the box than the contents. Having said that, I like that dog outfit in the same way as I like the outfits for humans which make them look like they are riding an ostrich. I always laugh.

    1. I agree with you about the human costumes, but dogs don't have the same sense of humour. They view such things as we might see chains. They usually do their best to shake them off.
