Wednesday 13 November 2019

Who Really Loves You?

An interesting question!

Lady Magnon just about 'tolerates' me. She tolerates the holes in my shoes, socks, trousers, pants, T shirts, and sweatshirts. She tolerates my unusual sense of tidiness. And she tolerates my intolerance.

My three children have now accepted that I'm the only father they'll ever have. Having drawn life's short straw, they humour me, pretend to laugh at my jokes, and pat me on the head when I demonstrate my dire lack of technical knowledge (and knowledge in general). 

My grandsons know no better. I'm just their 'Grumpy' who supplies them with adventures, danger, and occasionally sweets. 

However, there is one who loves me above all else; my lovely Billy. He follows me around biting my hands and legs, he settles on my lap when I watch TV, staring permanently up into my eyes. In his own special way, he has told me that he would lay down his life for me. 

He is devoted to me to the extent of being 'intrusive'. He has become my very shadow.  

I make no comparisons, but George V had a dog who loved him so much that it would faint every time they met. At their very last meeting, the dog passed out, and remained 'unconscious' for the entire hour of their encounter.

Billy has yet to follow this fine example, but I'm expecting it at any minute.

And, of course, his daddy loves him too!

N.B. I originally wrote the above about Bok in 2013, but it is just as appropriate about Billy today.


  1. Replies
    1. We are both lucky to be dog lovers; others aren't so fortunate.

  2. Rick adores and worships his Papa even though I'm the one who spoils him, feeds him and grooms him gently. I am very far down in the pack.

  3. An immediate question in my mind, which dog is more devoted? Who loves you more baby? You can't really have favourite children, but you can have favourite pets and I readily admit which our favourite dog and cat were.

    1. I'm not quite sure yet. Billy is not yet one year old, so only time will tell.

  4. I have a shadow too, who has no sense of personal space or privacy in the bathroom. I like to think it's more than just cupboard love.

    1. If it was only 'cupboard love' he's live by his eating bowls. I'm sure our dogs adore us (as long as they're treated properly).

  5. So lucky to have that adoration, and a second time round, to boot!

    1. It a very special relationship between dog and human. It's almost as if it was meant to be.

  6. To love, honour and tolerate - perhaps that would make a more realistic marriage agreement? Dogs have no such conditions.

    1. I like it; you should suggest it to the church.

  7. Love this post, it could be me, only I'm loved by my 15 year old cat, I can't sit down without her appearing to sit on my lap. i think my family view me the same as you describe.

    1. I miss our Freddie sitting on my lap, and sleeping under my chin. I don't think we'll have another Cat.

  8. A novelette The Red Dog by de Berniers would be a good Christmas present for you if you haven't already read it.

  9. I'm so pleased that Billy has turned out so lovely. There's always a chance that a new animal will not meet our expectations. He looks adorable.

    1. He's a lovely boy. I think if we treat our animals well, they usually turn out OK.

  10. Try this little test:

    Lock Billy in the boot of your car and leave him for an hour. See how pleased to see you he is when you let him out.

    Then try doing the same with Lady M and compare the difference.

    1. I did what you suggested; have you a good cure for broken nose?

    2. A kick in the balls takes your mind off it.

  11. When one of our animal friends leaves us it is important to remember that our hearts can always expand to take in another, and another, and another...

  12. Pets never see our flaws, they love unconditionally. They teach us so much and ask for so little. I feel sorry for anyone who has never known this love.

    1. I feel sorry for people who don't like animals; and dogs in particular. Unfortunately there are one or two around us.

  13. If Lady Magnon followed you about biting your hands and legs you would complain...also sitting on your lap staring into your eyes would interrupt your television viewing.All those slaps about the head with a wet tea towel denote great affection and caring.It's a Swedish thing.

    1. She's always telling him to get off my lap, but not because she wants to replace him!

  14. This is the first time after forty years that there is no dog in the house, and after the death of Edmund the cat the house is quieter than ever.

    1. Oh Yael I just read your comment. The quiet is just to loud sometimes. After the last Scotty Hamish died I said no more dogs, I am to ill but I couldn't stand the quiet and now have a Scotty Winston and a rescue Agatha plus Son's two cats and I am still ill but so much happier.
      parsnip x

    2. I think I would find it very difficult to live without either a dog or cat in the house. After both Bok and Freddie died, I was alone for a while (Lady M was in Australia) and it felt terrible. Now with Billy here, I feel complete again.

    3. I once read a piece by a man who had taken on his mother's (quite evil) cat. Even though this cat, who had adored his mother, but hated him, was a pain in the **, and he tried (unsuccessfully) to give him away, he eventually realised that he missed having another beating heart in the house. That's just how I feel when I've been cat-less.

  15. This is s truth. I am so lucky to have my dogs love and I love them back even when naughty.
