Saturday 16 November 2019

Pickled Shallots.

I couldn't find my usual small round pickling Onions, so I bought Shallots instead.

They have been bathed in brine for 24 hrs, and have now been pickled in a sweet red wine vinegar.

I hope they compare favourably with my usual ones. If not, there's still plenty of time before they're needed to go with the cold Turkey etc.

I'm sure I pickled Shallots once before, and they weren't too good, but I've already tasted one of the above and it was fine. 


  1. And after consuming the last one you will be able to say "That's shallot"

    1. Damn. I was going to make that joke. I'll have to make do with the worker on the end of a production line in a car factory saying, "Datsun other one."

    2. I shall do my best to forget that 'joke'. Dreadful!

    3. I went to the supermarket and said "I want to make a complaint about this vinegar, it's got lumps in it". He said "they're pickled onions".

    4. On a more serious note (don't panic) we can buy small, round shallots here that look exactly like little pickling onions. Maybe we are being ripped-off.

    5. AND have you noticed how onions don't make your eyes water these days?

    6. They do mine! When I peel my usual ones, I look like a blubbing two-year-old.

  2. I was going to make the shallot joke too .....Tasker beat us all to it ! I always forget to use shallots and just go for onions. Do you think they make much of a difference to onions in other recipes Cro ? I know they are milder. I have used them but can’t taste much difference. XXXX

    1. I can't taste a lot of difference either. I prefer the look of small round Onions.

  3. I much rather shallots to onions but have never thought of pickling them. I will have to try that.

    1. I wouldn't have pickled them had I'd found the small onions that I usually use. But they're good.

  4. Oh what a predictable lot we are. I would have started off with that too. I have a funny feeling that I've mentioned this before but when we were first married my wife bought a large bag of pickling onions from the local farm market. We were living in Cheshire in those dim and distant days. On the morning we were about to start peeling them I sprained my right thumb. I was never forgiven!

    1. I always do mine, just to spare my wife the tears. Also, I enjoy doing it; she wouldn't.

  5. You know your onions when it comes to the festive season Cro.

    1. I must have pickled Onions, Red Cabbage, and Walnuts, to go with my cold Turkey. Plenty of pickled Walnuts in stock, now is when I start the Onions, then I do the red Cabbage about a week before the big day.

    2. I just made some quince paste. Tastes good to me but I bet no one else will eat it, not with cheese or meat anyway.
      I often use normal onions to pickle because it's so hard to find any small ones, though they are used in several greek recipes. I cut a big onion in quarters and pickle them. Doesn't look the same but the taste is fine.
      Still haven't tried pickling walnuts. Might just do so though. I do have one english friend who appreciates all these pickles especially at xmas

    3. If I do ordinary Onions, I slice them, and pickle them in sweetened red wine vinegar (like the above), then eat them very soon after the process. They don't stay crisp very long.

  6. All of these preparations for Christmas make me think again that I'm missing something.

    1. I think you should have your own Christmas, and forget all those who are missing out.

  7. They look delicious to me Cro. And yes, I know the proof of the pudding and all that

    1. I shouldn't have, but I've already started eating them. They're delicious.

  8. Red wine vinegar does give a lovely colour

    1. This particular jar is VERY red; I'm not sure why. It was made with my ordinary cheap vinegar.

  9. I just love anything pickled and these look wonderful already.

    1. They are very good. I eat them with mature Cheddar; or just by themselves.

  10. Confusingly some people here call spring onions, shallots.

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