Monday 4 November 2019

A strange Sunday.

Yesterday we lit our first fire of winter 2019; even though it was still quite warm.

Why, you ask? Well, we had no power from 6 am to 5.30 pm.

I have no idea what caused the cut; probably a couple of wires that had come astray, and the bastard EDF failed to repair it for A WHOLE BLOODY DAY. So we lit the fire, and a dozen candles, just for the fun of it; and to amuse the children.

Also, it was a really foul day. Wind, Rain, and plague of Locusts; we had the lot.

Billy was a bit wary of the fire, and retreated to his bed in the kitchen. Come pukka Winter I expect he'll be curling-up in front of it. Time will tell.

The sitting room was sweltering; we had to open the door! 

More foul weather forecast for today, but my fingers are crossed that our electricity will remain ON.


  1. When we lived in the country we often had power cuts in stormy weather. Your grandchildren must love living just next door.

    1. With two filled freezers in the house, we were worried that we would lose everything. I think it came back on again just in time. Yes, the boys just pop down for a game of Snakes and Ladders wherever they fancy. It's lovely.

  2. Passes the time when the electricity is off! On a nasty wet day there's nothing much to day except eat leftover Tarte tatin and play games!
    Hope it's a long while before you really need to light another

    1. Once the fire has been lit, there are always demands for it to be lit again. I shall try to resist. It's wet here, but not cold.

  3. I suppose like everywhere, maintenance and repair staff numbers have been cut to the bone.

  4. We had one last Sunday but it only lasted about half an hour ..... by the time I’d lit the candles it was back on !!! It’s probably not cold enough for Billy to understand the benefits of a fire ...... as soon as the winter weather arrives, you won’t get a look in 🤣 XXXX

    1. I'm sure that'll be the case. Another foul day here today, and I've just noticed some tiles off the 'tower' roof. C'est la vie.

  5. Can you get Scottish Power in France? We cannot seem to get rid of EDF.

    1. We're stuck with EDF; they wouldn't allow some foreign Co to sell us electricity, unlike some countries.

  6. We lost our power for about 15 minutes last Thursday. It was midnight so it made no difference. Unfortunately, thousands around me were without power for days.

    1. I start to panic after a couple of hours; our freezers have no back-up power.

  7. Replies
    1. Sunday's was a bit too hot, as our sitting room is quite small. Last night we didn't bother as it was quite warm again.

  8. I have no doubt at all about where Billy will end up this winter - dogs are not daft.

    1. He's already commandeered a sofa; maybe Bok's scent lingers there.
