Monday 28 October 2019

Off their trolleys.

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The Oxford Union is not to be confused with The Oxford Students Union. The Oxford Union is essentially a debating club.

Past Presidents have included Hilaire Belloc, Viscount Stansgate, and Boris Johnson; intellectual hierarchy of assorted political colours.

The Union is also known for the worst type of Snowflake PC behaviour, the latest example of which has been to ban clapping; yes, CLAPPING.

Various silly reasons have been given for the ban, and this timeless expression of approval is now to be replaced by something called 'Jazz Hands'; which I understand to be 'the waving of both hands at shoulder level'. A practice probably learned from The Black and White Minstrel Show.

Somehow I cannot see people changing their lifetime habits, and even the most snowflakey Oxford Union members may well find themselves reverting to the evil practice of clapping from time to time; by mistake.

One really has to wonder what members might have made of the ban, had it emanated from The White House, and Mr Trump.


  1. Things like this annoy me so much. I'm almost thinking of starting an on-line list - "Things my generation experienced and coped with". As a woman, I've survived being wolf-whistled at, had my bum pinched, been leered at, had doors opened for me, been talked down to by men and, do you know, I've survived the lot!

    Have you heard about the university courses that now come with warnings? Violence on a Divinity course, and all sort of nasties on Grimms' Fairy Tales. I just want to shout 'Grow Up!!!'.

    1. And with the Oxford Union lot, they are our future 'Leaders'. What a bloody prospect.

  2. Now that the way to nip it in the bud - by protesting that it celebrates the B&W Minstrel Show. Yes Sir That's My Baby ...

  3. I'll refrain from mentioning any clap innuendo but I am dying to.

    1. Naughty. Anyway, the clap has now been eradicated.

  4. How would an audience show appreciation to a blind speaker/performer?

  5. I can't picture the "jazz hands" you mentioned. How strange.

    1. I really know nothing about 'Jazz Hands' either. I had to look it up, and it said that you put both hands at shoulder level and shake them around. Very odd. It must be some new student fad.

    2. Jazz hands "clapping" is used when people are deaf.

      Jo in Auckland

  6. They seem to have nothing better to debate. If I don't want to clap, I don't.

  7. Replies
    1. Apparently it could 'trigger anxiety'. And these are the UK's elite students.

    2. I think of clapping as a positive, happy experience but I do know that people with autism and other mental afflictions can react terribly to loud noises. They may have had instances like this and changed their policy because of it.

    3. Dare I say this, but there are certain events that we all do not attend, for whatever reason. I would not attend Marxist rallies, rap concerts, or gay massage parlours. If people are allergic to clapping, maybe they should simply stay away.

  8. Can they whistle and stamp their feet snd shout bravo, or hiss and boo and let off stinkbombs.

    1. All of that is fine, and is encouraged; especially the stink bombs. But NO CLAPPING.

  9. The rumbles and attacks of the Parliament (from English movies)...would those be allowed? That would be a heck of a thing.

    1. Everything established, or of quality, will soon be banned. These people spend their days looking for new things to complain about; including entrance qualifications to Oxford.

  10. In a 100 years the history books will speak of a time when once when people clapped and once people spoke to each other and once people communicated face to face. The sterile world that will exist without any communication is what this snow flake generation is aiming for. I hope they enjoy it. They might be able to have sex by appointment with those selected to recreate and that will be about all. All will be vegan and watching the planet they thought they had saved disintegrating in bizarre swings of trade winds and seas that they suddenly find nobody can change and the elimination of plastic bags and cows did not do any good. They will also be faced with human beings who adjust to all this with ease.

    1. Well said Rachel. That just about sums up the 21st C snowflake generation. I wonder how long it will take for them to realise what fools they are?

  11. A fad... which changes just as quickly as it came

  12. "Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions." It would seem to me that, reductio ad absurdum, by trying to convert people they will no longer be unique and therefore will simply be replaced by yet another snowfall. Frankly my comment is probably as inane as their latest fad.

    By the way, Veg Artist, my Mother who was a very strong woman and proponent of equal opportunities for women would have been horrified if she thought I didn't open a door for a lady. It was a matter of manners and a man's duty.
