Thursday 31 October 2019


If you celebrate such things; have a good one! Cro xx


  1. We’re eating our pumpkins. One of my neighbors has them piled up in his front garden and a gravestone next to them I’ve been informed. Have a good one yourself.

    1. I have two pumpkins. One I carved for the grandsons, the other I am just about to make into soup. No trick-or-treaters this year; our local children have all grown up.

  2. Thank goodness it hasn't reached this part of the world. There are enough days of festivities here without Halloween. But having said that, we did hollow out pumpkins a couple of times when the grandkids were younger.
    That was fun. But that was all

    1. Keep it at bay as long as you can, and tell the grandchildren to have nothing to do with it.

  3. Elf and Safety officials are now saying you should paint your pumpkins rather than use 'deadly knives and dangerous candles'. Duh! Happy Halloween x

    1. I cut mine with a knife, but NOT when the children were there; they have wanted to join in.

  4. There are places here that are celebrating, the world is getting smaller.

    1. I don't recommend it. Yet another commercial venture.

  5. I will sit quietly and honour my ancestors.
    Blessed Samhain, Cro. xx

    1. Sadly the ancient traditions of our Beloved Samhain have been turned into no more than children being encouraged to blackmail.

  6. It is not something I can get into at all. Never celebrated when I was a child, nor teens nor onwards until quite recently; it has crept up on us in the shops if nowhere else. All Saints Day 1st November and a day of sombre remembrance in the Catholic Church at the convent and a quiet day but never linked to Halloween.

    1. I had a Canadian school friend who lived temporarily in our village, and it was he who introduced me to Halloween. I was never very excited about it because Bonfire night wasn't far away, and in our Surrey village Nov 5th was a very big occasion.

  7. It has now come here, a money making scheme for retailers. We had two lots of children trick or treating tonight.

    1. We're not expecting anyone tonight, but I've stocked up on (my favourite) sweets just in case.

  8. We are going trick or treating with the grandchildren ..... I don’t like Halloween at all but they like it. We celebrate Guy Fawkes night but that is being overtaken by Halloween and is getting forgotten. No more penny for the Guy ..... no more Guys it seems, just the odd organised display...... and, many don’t even know who Guy Fawkes was 🧙🏻‍♂️ XXXX

    1. Not so in Sussex/Surrey Jacqueline. Bonfire night is a very big event still, in fact I'd say it was the biggest event of the year. Places like Lewes have to keep people away!

  9. Given little treats for years but this time we'll be hiding at the back with no lights showing.

    1. We feel rather the same, so are pleased not to have received a forewarning of a visit. I think all our local children have lost interest.

  10. Nothing really to do with Halloween. The chestnuts I have just bought from Ludlow market are Marron de Lyon, you asked me to tell you the variety. I have also for the princely sum of 20p just bought a walnut tree in the making, a nut with a shoot! Whether I will be alive to harvest the first nuts is another story?


    1. I believe that the Marron de Lyon is a very good Chestnut for sweet making. As for your junior Walnut tree; best to get in the ground quite soon. They put down very long tap roots, and it's best to get that established as soon as possible.

  11. It's tradition here to celebrate Halloween and to have trick or treaters. I have wonderful memories of it from my childhood.

    1. I think its popularity here is fading. People find it all too commercial.

  12. I loved Halloween when I was a kid and enjoyed dressing up in outfits that I would put together from my parents closet. When it came to my own children, I would start making costumes at the beginning of the month for the Halloween parade. It was great fun. Now my grandchildren are too old to trick or treat but I still enjoy answering the door for neighbor’s children. It is our tradition here but it has become more commercial than I would like but that is the way with all things now.

    1. This year will be the first for years that we're not scaring the bejeezus out of our local children.

  13. I don't, but thanks for the thought.
