Monday 21 October 2019


I didn't know either of my grandmothers, so I can't speak from experience, but I have recently been 'observing' one, and I suspect that grandmothers are of paramount importance to most families.

It is said that the last people to remember you are your grandchildren, so it's best to be nice to them.

A grandparent, especially a grandmother, is usually a person you run to in times of need or comfort. Sitting in her kitchen as she bakes a chocolate cake is a memory that will last forever, and of course HER chocolate cake is always the best in the world.

She reads to you, plays cards, and teaches you how to write 'cat' and 'mat'; and how to draw a mouse.

A grandmother is someone you can talk to, someone who will listen to all your woes. When you've been scolded by your own mother, you tell your grandmother how misjudged you've been; and she will always agree.

A grandmother is also someone you take for granted. You turn up, expect food and drink, and leave probably forgetting to say thank you; and she forgives you.

At Birthdays and Christmas you can always guarantee that she will spoil you. She will give you books you will never read, clothes you will never wear, and hopefully some cash that you will waste on some pointless frippery that will quickly be abandoned.

When eventually she leaves the world behind, her grandchildren will be far too busy to attend her funeral; only when they're much older will they shed a few tears in her memory. Suddenly they'll miss her terribly, and regret not telling her how much they loved and appreciated her.

I think it's probably always been thus, and probably always will be.


  1. Yes, it would have been good to have had Grandparents. I think Grandfathers are just as important. Gardening, walks, cards, reading etc.

    Instead of a Grandfather I have lots of happy memories with Uncles, finding coins in stone walls on walks, playing card games etc.

    I am sure you are having as much fun as Lady Magnon.

    1. Uncle Frank was great fun. Yes, I have lots of fun with them, but it's quite a different relationship. I'm just the old codger in the corner.

    2. and Arts and Wynn when they visited.

    3. Arts was the rogue; Wynn very sensible.

  2. What does Grandpa Cro bring to the party?


    1. Common sense, manners, etiquette, and lots of other fun things.

  3. Looks like Grandma is teaching Boo Boo in the absence of school. I like the toy car drawn up alongside the learning cards and the serious look on Boo Boo's face. He is taking it all very seriously.

    1. He was learning to match identical pictures. He did very well.

    2. The grandson in the photo is 2 year old Mischa.

  4. Yes, that about says it all ,Cro.
    Grandpas have a very different relationship.
    It's just amazing watching those kids grow up and you love them all because they are all different and so special.
    I'm a spell bound Nana whose grandkids can do no wrong.

    1. I think Grumsy is in awe of them too. She takes her role very seriously.

  5. Wet eyes, damn you. For someone who did not know your grandmothers, you are remarkably perceptive.

    1. I've been watching one in action; it's very revealing.

  6. An extended family can well be a treat fot all, but I am so sorry that some children are without a loving mother or father to start with.

    1. That is always a tragedy. Every child deserves a happy childhood.

  7. I never knew any of my grand parents, all had died before I was born, but I watched my mum with my daughters, watching the love and bond. Now it's my turn and it's a role I love, best part of my life.

    1. I think most grandmothers would agree with you; they all love it.

  8. My sister and I had to live with my grandmother for a few years after my mother died. I was barely 5. The old farm was a wonderful playground, but we were aware of being extra work. My father moved us all into town two years later so we could walk to schools. I kept in touch with my gran, but she was never affectionate. Life had not been easy for her.

    1. I think we should all spoil our grandchildren. Give them the best start imaginable.

  9. My mother told us siblings to eat everything on our plates because people in Africa were starving. But when we went to see grandma whose table groaned under jam butties, cakes and scones the motherly advice was somewhat different - don't be greedy!!!

    1. My mother made wonderful chocolate cakes. Now Lady M does much the same for her grandchildren. It's in the genes.

  10. Yes you are absolutely right Cro. I only remember one of my grandparents - and I loved him dearly. In those days folk didn't live so long I suppose.

    1. I think mine lived too far away. They need to be on one's doorstep.

  11. I loved my grandparents and had a wonderful relationship with them, but it sounds nothing like you describe. When each died, every one of their grandchildren attended the funeral and wept.

    1. So they should have, but I suspect that these days people are so widely spread about the world that that has become rare.

  12. I love being a Grammy and I loved my own grandparents ...... and, it’s such a different role than being a parent. We can indulge them and be silly. I sing all day to mine ! I’m looking after our new granddaughter right now .... she is six months and already fun to be with. XXXX

    1. From one to about twelve they are perfect, but as soon as the hormones begin to rage, it's probably best to ban them from the house until after Uni.

  13. Well said. Grandparents are source of knowledge and everything to kids. Without them family is incomplete.

    1. So true. We owe a lot to our elders when we're small.

  14. Being a grandmother (and one on the way) is the greatest joy of my life. Grandpa loves them all very much and is there for them when needed. I am there for them when needed or not.

    1. You sound like the perfect grandparents. We do try our best, but probably fail on certain duties.

  15. The picture is great, tells the whole story.

    1. She's just been on buggy-pushing duty, to get him to sleep. Success!
