Monday 7 October 2019

Extinction Rebellion (XR).

Climate change will happen regardless of what we humans try to do about it. Fighting against nature is futile. It is possible that we could slow some progress by reducing our toxic emissions, but halt its advance; no.

I have a certain amount of sympathy with the XR people, but certainly not with their methods. They should be allowed to protest, and lobby parliament, but not to disrupt the lives of ordinary working people. Take your protests to a park or a field, but don't block the streets of central london, or close the runways of Heathrow. London is a 24/24hr city, and it's residents/workers will not be happy.

They must be very careful not to lose the sympathy of their supporters. If just ONE life is lost as the direct result of an ambulance having been blocked in a traffic jam, their less vocal sympathisers will leave in droves. If they think that by demonstrating outside Smithfield meat market, we will all become Vegans, then they are delusional; those traders and porters at Smithfield are a bunch of burly Cockneys, so be prepared for a thick-ear if you disrupt their day's work, and that applies to everyone of any age or sex.

Personally I think we'd do more for the planet by being a 'doer' rather than a hooded and masked 'trouble-maker'. Leave the 4 x 4 at home when you go shopping or for your morning coffee. Buy a bicycle or walk to work (if in fact you do work). Buy loose, if possible, rather than in plastic wrappers. Use a wicker shopping basket for your weekly shop. Stick a few solar panels on your roof to power your TV. Simple changes to our usual practices add up.

These are practical things we can all do on a regular basis; bringing London's streets to a standstill won't help anything; just annoy.


  1. It strikes me that too many climate activists create more greenhouses gases jetting around the world to exotic venues than is good for them. Even the yacht carrying the famous climate Pippi to the UN needed a crew of 6. And another crew had to be flown out to fetch it back according to press reports. How did she herself get back? Swim?

    1. There's a lot of hypocrisy amongst most agitators. No doubt the black clad, hooded, and masked, brigade will be out just to smash a few things amongst all the mayhem. I predict that many Londoners will fight back.

    2. Climate protectors like Meghan Markel and Arnie Schwarzenberg spend too much time in the air.

    3. Schwarzenegger. The Terminator that is!

    4. 'Ego' plays a big part. These people fly around because they want to be seen. Better they stay at home and read a book.

  2. Yes Cro, agree that the small adjustments by enough people can have some affect, but the biggest culprits are the governments and huge corporations plundering the planets resources at an alarming rate in their never-ending greed for yet more profit.

    1. And usually not British ones. The UK has been foremost in reducing pollution, it's countries such as China and India who are the real culprits.

  3. At least Boris is going to stop the third runway and he promised to lie down in front of the bulldozers. Perhaps he will raise motor tax and only allow one car per household?

    Seriously. If everybody walked more we would all make a difference.

    1. I used to love walking and cycling around London, I'm surprised more people don't do it.

  4. Although China is very much on the backfoot, it is spending huge amounts on becoming a more ecologically sustainable country. I think even India is on board, with a very very long way to go.

    I can't agree that climate change has to happen. It can be slowed a lot, if not stopped. Our (Australian) governments are supporting a huge new Australian coal mine and trying to sell our coal for profit before the world reduces its consumption to very low levels. Unfortunately there is Indian money behind it. When you have middle class people from posh areas thousands of kilometres away from the mine site out on the street protesting, something is really wrong with the project.

    We here have a week of protests and disruption in the city, which will personally affect us, but as long as the protests are not extreme, I am happy to suffer for the greater good.

    Governments around the world must act and stop paying lip service.

    1. Global warming (and cooling) is cyclical; one can attempt to slow it's progress but not stop it. Nature is more powerful than a handful of demonstrators.

  5. I was just listening to a radio interview with Jonathan Safran Foer about his new book about climate change (We Are The Weather). He argues that the most effective thing each one of us could do is to make changes to the way we live. He sounds quite convincing.

    1. I'm sure he's right. If we all did that little bit to help, we'd do far more than these demonstrators.

  6. I think that these climate changes are cyclical too. Look at history. How many ice ages have there been over millions of years.
    There is certainly far more extreme weather at the moment but can we change it? I doubt it.

    1. I don't think even these demonstrators deny that climate change is 'natural'. I think they just like a good old fashioned 'DEMO'; the opportunity to throw a few bricks, etc.

  7. Toronto is going through the same thing this morning - albeit on a smaller scale. They are setting up protestors at both ends of a bridge along the major east/west route in the city - it will be chaos this morning. They don't have permits for this "protest" and everyone knows their intent so why aren't the police dealing with them now?
    I believe in each of us doing the best we can - and I do - and I believe that governments must do more (Toronto has not had a smog alert day in 5 years since they shut down the coal fuelled businesses) - but these idiots do nothing but create chaos and leave a ton of garbage behind!
    I checked out the student groups who protested a couple of weeks ago - idealistic young people - wearing fast fashion, each carrying a smart phone (one of the biggest sources of pollution) and hitting the fast food outlets all over the downtown afterwards!
    I am much more impressed by those ordinary people who do their best each and every day (using public transit - making things last - cleaning up after themselves) and yet it these protestors & anarchists who get the publicity. I'd like a peek into their day to day lives!

    1. Well, Margie, I must say I agree with you 100%. These are mostly people who are idealistic, but don't live-up to their ideals. It has become 'fashionable' to go on Climate related marches/demos, but at home they have their 4 x 4's and bins filled with plastic.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you... it just seems like logic to me.

  9. As usual on these things Cro - you have hit the nail on the head.

  10. Well said sir.

    Ours blocked streets and glued themselves to doorways and banks. I don't know the point of their actions.
