Saturday 7 September 2019

Tu quoque mi fili (Et tu, Brute).

To have a brother who was Prime Minister, regardless of differing political opinions, would normally engender some filial pride; and even loyalty.

But, when on the same benches, even if your political stance remains slightly apart one would have thought it best simply to say nothing and argue in private.

Boris's brother Jo Johnson has now quit the cabinet, as well as his Orpington seat (a 'leave' constituency), where I hear he has hardly ever been seen other than at his original election in 2010, and his re-election in 2015. There will be no love lost between him and his constituents (a staunch Tory bunch).

It will be interesting to see if he follows his close friend George Osborne back into journalism; either with The Standard, or at his old job on the FT's Lex column.

Time to put the knives away, boys; or Daddy will smack your bottoms!

You really couldn't make it up.


  1. Perhaps he expects the boat of Boris to shipwreck on the shore bringing the family name into disrepute and he is getting out fast...

    1. Or maybe he's simply one of the Rats escaping that same sinking ship; and possibly heading for the safety of Fleet Street.

    2. An analogy which comes even more to mind with Amber Rudd resigning....

  2. I like their sister. A lovely caring person who genuinely thinks of everybody.

    1. I really know little of her, other than she described herself as 'the Rat that jumped onto the sinking ship', after having joined the Brexit Party.

    2. She joined the Change Party and is pro Europe,

    3. Woops; I knew it was one of the new parties. The quote remains the same.

  3. Quite how it is in the public interest (his words) for him to walk away rather than stay on and fight for what he says he believes is beyond me. It was clearly easier to stick a knife in then walk away than discuss some tricky points about Brexit. And sod the people of Orpington.

    1. He possibly knew that his time was up; he may already have been offered a well paid job. Who knows!

  4. Orpington. Scene of a famous Conservative defeat in 1962. Could it be repeated now? Quite possibly.

    1. I doubt it. They'll choose a non-relative of Boris's who was at Harrow rather than Eton.

  5. There may be a nice and very well paid consultancy job for Boris Bro in the waiting.

    1. I would think so; he has friends in high places!

  6. Every day there is another unprecedented event. Boris must be feeling rather alone. The next thing would be for Dominic Cummings to flounce off.

    1. The Press are bound to find something interesting about Cummings before too long.

    2. One can live in hope! I think he is a detestable person.

    3. I've only recently heard his name (post Boris PM). He seems universally disliked!

    4. He was spotted walking down the corridors of Parliament the other day, swigging red wine and spilling it in his haste to get it down his neck. He can't be all bad.

  7. I like your self portrait no. 2 as student. I just saw it at the bottom of today's post. You look like a WWI flying ace!
