Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mob of pre-war Bentleys attack Goodwood

I thought you might like to see, and hear, a bunch of pre-war Bentleys going around Goodwood. A really unique experience. The sound is delightful.


  1. Replies
    1. And all with their hoods up too.

    2. Only till half time. They have to stop nd stow them for the second half.

  2. Not a terrible crash or even a track run off. They do sound rather 'throaty'.

    1. It's a lovely, almost aircraft-like, sound. Nothing like it.

  3. I was carting our winter timber to the store on Sunday, when I heard something that wasn't a modern engine note approaching.
    Any excuse to stop the onerous task, I went and leant on the gate.
    And was rewarded mightily... one of these came rolling gently past.... followed by a silver Aston Martin DB4.
    Then, twenty minutes later... the pair came back the other way.... didn't get much of a warning the second time!
    Travelling East>West the road is almost straight for 2 kilometres...and little to cushion the sound.... West>East there is too much in the way that cushions the sound.
    That is fine at times when something with a nice engine note is approaching... but if it is a 50cc motorised wasp with a young rider trying to get faster than 40kph, the sound goes on and on and on... and on...
    Some modern cars have tyres that make an equally obnoxious racket!!

    1. There was a classic car Tour of France that passed through here recently. I didn't see much of it this year, but previously I've seen some beauties. As for your final sentence, there are some horrible road surfaces too, that make a very nasty noise; one is very near us!

    2. Yes, agreed with all that from you and Le Pre.

  4. Magnificent. Some skilled cornering there too.

    1. I don't imagine they're easy to drive either.

  5. I was thinking that there could have been a very expensive pile-up, but then I remembered how much formula one cars cost.

    1. Not many garages carry spares for a pre-war Bentley.

    2. I think the F1 teams have several cars in bits inside those huge lorries they travel in.... just in case.

  6. That they are top heavy was obvious in some of the cornering. The original high profile vehicles. Or was is the unyielding chassis?

    1. They look very ungainly with their hoods up. One usually sees them open-topped, when they somehow look far more stable.
