Tuesday 3 September 2019


My good friend Margaret recommended these beans to me last autumn. She assured me that they were the 'best ever'.

Well I'm pleased to confirm that she was right. They are called CROCKETT, and are dark, delicious, and the plants not too tall. 

Unfortunately our crop has been a tad meagre this year, but what I have harvested has been very good. I still have some young plants coming-along for later, so if we have some rain, I expect they'll do well.

If you can find the seeds; I thoroughly recommend.


  1. It looks like the beans that are here in the little shop near the house, soon I will go shopping and see.

    1. There are so many different varieties; this one, which is quite new, is particularly good.

    2. I came back. No beans here.

  2. Replies
    1. I used to grow the Heinz variety (Coco) but after all the growing, harvesting, drying, then trying to find some good recipe for them; I gave up!

  3. Picked our first red pepper yesterday. They have taken quite a while to ripen over here.

    1. Mine have yet to do anything at all, the flowers just remain as buds. No doubt we'll have some good rain sometime, and I'll be overwhelmed. It think that happened last year too.

  4. I googled those beans here and they are not available. Still I have so many seeds saved from last year that it could be just as well.

    1. I'm sure there are other varieties that are just as good.

  5. I used to grow Brown Dutch for drying and eating fresh..a tan colored seed and tasty in soups and savouries. That is a good coloured bean

    1. For years I've grown 'Contender', but they seem to have grown taller in time, and were difficult to harvest. These are quite compact.

    2. Short beans are fine if you have plenty of room. I've gone for climbing French Beans this year, just a rather late trial, will do it properly next year

  6. Used to only eating this type of bean hot, I've recently made several batches of a bean salad with what we in the UK call 'French beans'. It is so good I'm going to grow some next year. I will look out for this variety.

    1. I often cook them and leave them to become tepid, then serve with a nice dressing, or mayo. Delicious.

  7. I hope you didn't eat them like that, raw. Ah, they are what we also call French Beans.

    1. I do eat them raw when picking, but the lot above were cooked last night.

  8. I don’t grow beans to eat but rather I grow hyacinth beans for their beautiful flowers and purple pods. They look so pretty on a trellis and require little work. My peppers were plentiful, especially the shishitos, and despite many of my tomato plants having black spot disease, they lived long enough to give me many tomatoes. I have been picking them since July and there is still some more picking to do. The gardens looked awful but it was a fruitful season.

    1. We've had a terrible season here. I'm not sure what happened, but the heat and drought all came at the wrong time, and most veg' growers have had useless crops. I usually do lots of Tomato based preserves at this time of year; this year I shall do NONE.

  9. Replies
    1. They're much darker than the usual French beans, and I think they have a more 'beany' flavour too.

  10. Those look delicious and healthy, too.

    1. Everything that is dark green MUST be good for you!


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