Sunday 22 September 2019

A boy's best friend.

Small boys seem to have a natural affinity with dogs. I imagine they see each other as equals.

Boo Boo and Billy get on very well, but for the moment they never go on walks together.

The reason for this is simple; Boo Boo doesn't wear shoes, I have no idea why. Walking any distance here involves stepping over very spiky Chestnut husks (especially at the moment), and although Billy can simply avoid them; Boo Boo can't.

I'll have to buy him some new Gumboots before Autumn; whether he'll wear them or not is another question, but if he wants to go walkies with Billy, he'll have to. And as for joining me on mushrooming searches.....they will be essential.

NB. Billy had his 'snip' last Tuesday..... He took it very well, and he's still talking to us; thank goodness!


  1. Kids and dogs are natural friends and I think it's a good thing to be encouraged. Why does your grandson hate wearing shoes? You'd think many, many more adventures would be possible for him with shoes!

    Glad to hear Billy got snipped and took it all in stride. He's grown to be a good looking dog.

    1. I think Boo Boo simply likes the freedom of not wearing shoes, but he'll need to wear some very soon as the ground is becoming thick with Chestnut husks.

  2. I imagined the six of you going on lovely walks around that delightful area.

    1. I made BB put on some shoes late yesterday afternoon, and we went to gather a few Chestnuts; he took them off as soon as we got home.

  3. Sounds like the best idea, ease him into shoes gently for this and that, no pressure. Nice photo of him and Billy. He looks like he's going to be tall.

    1. He has Swedish, rather than English, looks. He's a lovely boy, and bright too.

      It's just this second started to rain, but only slightly.

  4. Observing the young nieces, none like wearing shoes and it is a bit of battle to get them to put them on to go outside.

    1. I'm not big on shoes myself in summer, but I do go as far as espadrilles.

  5. Dog and boy. Picture of happiness. As for shoes, ours don't like them either but if you can get them on at least for a walk and hunting in the forest then that is ideal. So much to see and gather around your way!

    1. I don't mind him not wearing shoes around the house or garden, but anywhere else at this time of year is dangerous.

  6. I’m with Boo Boo ..... I never wear anything on my feet when I’m indoors. I’m just wondering how BB gets on at school ? I should think he has to wear shoes there.... or, hasn’t he started school yet ? ...... or, is he home schooled ? XXXX

    1. He hasn't started yet. He probably should have, but they've been moving around too much. I've suggested he goes to a good Prep' school as a boarder (as I did).

  7. I have heard of children who have to be forced to put on shoes at the end of the Summer. I know that when I spend even a day on the beach bare-footed, shoes feel very constricting and alien for the first half hour.

    1. Boo Boo could join that group! He really sees no point in wearing shoes.

  8. That's rather a Kiwi trait. Few people wear shoes indoors and for occasional walks jandals are the order of the day.

    1. He lived in Oz for his first 3 years; maybe it comes from there.

  9. I’m with Boo Boo ... and my shoes come off the minute I’m inside. Perhaps tennis shoes or wellies for walk abouts with Billy or yourself? Love that pic!

    1. I wear espadrilles from June to October, which is the next best thing to being shoeless. I get through about 4 pairs.

  10. Wonderful photo.
    When I live by the ocean I never worn shoes inside and cheap flip flops for walking to the beach.
    Living in Arizona you wear some sort of shoe because of all the critters that are poisonous and want to bite you. Plus all the cactus that will stick you. They hurt.

    1. The Cactus spikes must be similar to our Chestnut spikes; they hurt too!

  11. I haven't heard the word 'gumboots' for nearly 60 years!

    1. OK, wellies! Gumboots has a nice ring to it.

  12. Probably forgotten all about that snip by now.

    1. He has to go back for a tiny bandage to be removed, but otherwise all is well.
