Wednesday 28 August 2019

Ron and Sandra.

If you have a serious amount of spare cash, I would recommend you buy a painting by Ron Kitaj (above with his wife, Sandra Fisher). Kitaj was one of the late 20th Century's best painters, and your investment would do well.

His wife Sandra was also a very good painter, but not as commercially minded as her husband. She allowed things to follow a natural course, whilst her husband became a super-star.

Below is her painting 'Chess Players'; a deceptively simple composition, well executed, which would sit happily in anyone's home.

They were both around when I was living in London, and I rather regret that we never met. We may well have been in the same room together on occasions, but I wouldn't have known who they were. 

There may have been one photo of Kitaj in Snowdon's 'Private View', but nowadays, with the net, we have photos on hand of just about everyone; so no excuses not to recognise. 


  1. A very sad story surrounds Kitaj. Savaged by the critics. I remember being introduced to his work but even in 2003 he was still looked down upon in spite of his skills.

    1. He was severely criticised and insulted after a major one man show, and returned to the USA, where he later killed himself. Anti semitism is nothing new.

    2. And his wife died 2 weeks after the show which he blamed on the critics. Poor man never recovered.

    3. A very sad tale, but at least he left behind a wonderful portfolio of work. He was an exceptional painter.

  2. I am not sure about the art, but it is a very nice photo of them both.

    1. When I look at it, I wonder what the photographer had told them to do, or how to pose?

  3. A very distinctive style of painting, I like it. Sad story though.

    1. Deceptively simple, but worth having a really good look at. She was a very clever painter.

  4. I like it too. It has lots going for it - the use of colour and the shapes it creates for a start plus an overall feeling of a relaxed atmosphere. I could certainly live with it very happily.

    1. Yes, she was a very good painter. I don't know, but the man looks a bit like Patrick Proctor; he was probably a friend.

  5. They were a very beautiful couple and, not only beautiful but both talented. XXXX

    1. The ideal couple; not surprising that he attracted so much jealousy and venom from his critics.
