Monday 12 August 2019

RIP Izzy.


When you live in the countryside, certain animals become as important to you as their human minders; dear Izzy (right above) was one such.

She was a really gentle soul, and Bok (left above) soon noted her charms. They became very good friends, and would spend long relaxed times together.

Not so long ago, Izzy went missing; but almost miraculously after a week away, she was found still within the village bounds. Due to her epilepsy, she had simply forgotten where she lived.

We'll really miss dear Izzy. I've said before on this page that there are some dogs that I far preferred to certain humans. She never behaved badly, was always friendly, and certainly never threatened harm to anyone. Not something I can say about some humans I know.

Izzy died in her sleep two days ago. So, farewell dear girl, I hope that in dog-world there is some place where you all meet up again. I know that both Monty and Bok would love to see you. What larks you'll have.

Our sincere condolences to her family. Adieu.


  1. Bok and Izzy keeping company in dog heaven as I type.

  2. So sad to read about Dear Izzy so beautiful. She is now playing with my sweet gud dugs also. Welcomed to heaven sweet lady.

  3. Replies
    1. Certain animals become an important part of our lives, and when they go it's not unlike losing friends or family.

  4. Sounds like she died peacefully. They break our hearts don't they.

    1. She had a wonderful life too, but I imagine her brain was damaged, so it was time to go. We'll miss her.

  5. I never even met the dog but have tears ! A plus for the owners that she died in her sleep. Only one of my animals has managed that in all the years I have had 5 cats and 2 dogs....2nd dog thankfully still here! So distressing having them " put to sleep".

    1. Those of us who love our animals are usually touched by the passing of well loved dogs or cats. It's what makes us who we are.

  6. sad to see friends go, four legs or two

    1. Yes. It demonstrates how quickly time passes.

  7. How we miss our pets - I have loved every single dog I have owned and think of themoften. I left the cats at the farm because they were not indoor cats and also they were companions for one another outside. Now one of them has disappeared and I suspect has died - I wish I knew his end though.

    1. It's reassuring if we can be with them when they go; but always distressing.

  8. Before having pets, I never realised how devastating the loss is. That’s why I won't have any more. . I get so upset. Let’s hope they are all having a great time somewhere and that Izzy has now joined them all. Thinking of Izzy’s family .....I know how they must be feeling . XXXX

    1. It's something that only animal lovers can understand.

  9. Replies
    1. I keep photos of all the dogs and cats that I've loved; my own, and those who belonged to others.

  10. I had a cat who died of epilepsy. Such a brave little soul. It was so long ago, and yet like yesterday. He may look up Izzy.

    1. They might compare notes! Izzy was having multiple fits every day, very upsetting.

  11. Among the reasons we feel such sadness from our animal pal's deaths is knowing the loss of the extreme joy we have had from 'em. 'Only them as has 'em can lose 'em.' James Herriot Healing wishes from Iowa

    1. They do give us such pleasure, and demand nothing in return.

  12. Their lives are too short, and the love they give is so big. It hurts so much to lose them. I lost a dear cat and companion last week, and my heart is still in pain.

    1. It's surprising how much it hurts when we lose a dog or cat. I was in a terrible state when Bok died. We are all the same.

    2. I know, Cro, and our hearts were with you during those difficult times when you lost your best companion. We were all so happy when your kind son brought you that beautiful puppy.

  13. It's always sad when a Good Soul departs this earth.

    1. Yes, we'll miss her; she was a part of the community.

  14. Farewell Izzy. You gave and were given. Sleep well in Heaven.

  15. Sad. Animals can pull on your heartstrings.

  16. She looks a lovely dog. May she rest happily in doggie heaven.
