Saturday 3 August 2019

Of interest to pool owners only!

I know I've mentioned this before, but here is some visual proof of both my problem, and my solution.

I don't know if this has any relation to the age of our pool, and its pale blue liner, but this discolouration has only happened in the past three years. The pool was installed in 2005; making the liner 14 years old (but still in very good condition).

The picture, above, shows how, occasionally, the liner becomes discoloured beneath the water line; it becomes a dirty dull beige colour, and looks quite unpleasant. It reminds me of the ceilings in old Pubs that had become stained by tobacco smoke; not unpleasant in its own way, but not a good look for a pool.

The solution is very simple. I top up the water to above the stained level, then empty a whole Kilo of powdered Vitamin C into the path of the three water jets, and wait for about 30 mins; then, hey presto, the liner returns to its sparkling original colour. It really is magical.

The powder isn't cheap; around €20 per kilo through Amazon. But what a difference it makes to a stained liner. It's now sparkling again.

I like to keep a couple of Kilos in stock; just in case. 


  1. I remember when you had this problem before and what a great idea to fix it ! I have a pool service that comes out every week. Works for me.

    1. That sounds like luxury; unfortunately I have to do everything myself. This was a great discovery.

  2. Replies
    1. Pools are great when everything goes well, but they can be a pain!

  3. Wonder what more Vitamin C can clean up.

  4. My late husband was a qualified pool technician and he always said they were a nightmare to get right! Enjoy everything you have. Please give Billy a hug from me. I am just reaping the first garden produce and have plans to make a batch of ratatouille which I can't spell but love!

    1. I'm afraid I'm not too good at checking all the chemical levels etc. As long as the water stays clear; I'm happy. I don't expect to be making any 'Rat' this year, it's all been quite chaotic. Luckily I have quite a few jars still in stock from last year.

  5. We have a pool and are in the process of replacing the liner (this weekend, in fact!). Questions regarding your vitamin C treatment: is your pool a "salt water" pool, and how big is it (l x W and depth). Thanks, this might come in very handy! -Jenn

    1. It's a Chlorine pool. 9 metres by 4 metres by 1.50 metres deep.

      Was your liner damaged? Although ours is becoming 'old', it is still in perfect condition.

      I've just been swimming; lovely.

    2. We get a lot of "detritus" in our pool throughout the fall and winter, despite a winter pool cover. My over zealous husband has drained the pool a few times in order to clean it out even better. Apparently that can shorten the life span of a liner. It had developed two rips that had gotten much bigger and it just wasn't worth it to try to patch again. We are 36 ft x 16 ft and 8 ft depth. (sorry, can't be bothered to convert to m!) Thanks for the reply.

    3. That's much bigger than ours; especially the depth. I did have one very small rip on the side (about half an inch) which I filled with transparent silicon; it is now invisible. I cover ours over winter with black plastic, held down by whatever is available and heavy. It usually stays quite clean, but we occasionally find dead frogs etc on the bottom.

  6. It's an acid. You might get it cheaper from a food manufacturing supplier as ascorbic acid.

    1. It seems to be the same price whatever name they sell it under. It's still cheaper than getting a pro' Co in to fix it.

  7. Well, they say you should run your dishwasher through every now and then with Tang. Same principle, I guess.

  8. Here in hot and dry CA, we had to replace our liner every few years. Rubber fatigue and then a leak.

    that is an excellent solution to discoloration.
