Monday 19 August 2019

England For Sale.

So, Turkey's Military Pension Fund has bought British Steel; what a wonderful bloody state of affairs!

What's next I wonder? Will Knightsbridge be sold to the Chinese, Buckingham Palace to the Russians, and GCHQ to N Korea?

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me to see that The City was sold to Matron Markle, Scotland was sold to Trump, Wales sold to Tom Jones, and Essex sold to a consortium of David Beckham, Katie Price, and Ed Sheeran. I am personally thinking of making an offer for Surrey and Sussex (as a job lot).

When the rest of England comes up for sale, please be sure to let me know; I might still have a couple of quid left.


  1. Wish I hadn’t read this! The world as we know it has gone mad; with the U.K. flogging off the family silver for a quick financial fix.


  2. I wonder what they'll find to sell next?

    Over the last few decades I've noticed just about everything in UK being sold to foreign interests. From a great country leading the world in just about everything, I now struggle to think of any industry still owned by ourselves.

  3. Unfortunately, everything has a price and a billionaire to buy it.

  4. Scotland should be safe from a Trump purchase at present. He seems to be more interested in acquiring Greenland from the Danes.

  5. Sold to a foreign military power in illegal occupation of half of Cyprus. Well done that man!

  6. But just about everything - all the utilities, all the central London property, all the major companies - is foreign owned. This is the neo-liberalist agenda. Cream off the cash and bollocks to the country and its people.

  7. Instead of bad news from the U.k. I had been hoping for happy tales of what you, your grandsons and children were enjoying and over there and the delicious meals you have been feeding them.

  8. I believe Turkey is buying British steel from India.

    1. I mean British Steel, not British steel.

    2. Tata sold it for a £1 some time ago.

    3. I think my reply snuck in there. Tata sold it to a British Investment co who profited for about a year and then put it into Receivership.

  9. I think all things considered and seeing as we are not going to nationalise it, we are lucky that the Turks are willing to offer £50M for it. They either have great vision or are fools

  10. Our illustrious PM can find £100million for a propaganda campaign to convince people that No Deal is a great thing, but can't find the money to rescue a once proud British company and thousands of jobs. So the employees will be working for the Turks!
    Boris and Farage lied about Turkey joining the EU and that we'd be overrun with Turkish Muslims as part of the Leave campaign.
    The irony.

  11. Yes, I too think we are in danger of going down the plug hole.

  12. Is everything for sale? Can I get a deal on Piccadilly Circus?

  13. I'm not listening to the news anymore

  14. The same is happening here. I can't see why any non citizens should be able to own land in our countries.

  15. So what is mr. Cro doing in France ? He is not French and owns land and a property.

  16. The drums are quietly beating here in Scotland. The younger people are quietly chanting In de pen dence. It is all starting to get a bit frightening.
