Wednesday 31 July 2019


It's 7.30 am, and I'm just back from my early walk with Billy. I cannot imagine a more perfect morning; the sky was clear, the sun was just up over the horizon, and it was about 18 C. No cars, no people, no noise; perfect!

As a Summer baby, this is without question my favourite season of the year.

With our grass no longer growing, and it slowly turning beige, I have, at last, more time on my hands; time to remember that we are actually supposed to be 'retired'.

With crazy temperatures seemingly throughout Europe, we found ourselves doing much less than usual at home. However, we eat out more, we attend more 'parties', and we generally grasp everything that Summer has to offer. We recently even enjoyed one of our hamlet's lovely evening 'street parties'; although some over-indulged! 

We've already had Summer guests, and are about to have a wonderful invasion of grandsons. Finding things for them all to do will be fun, but I expect their parents will already have most of that sorted in advance. 

So, during the lul, we sit by the pool trying to avoid the hoi polloi, we sip the occasional Pastis, and eat simple dishes that come direct from Haddock's (alas, not the eggs), whilst enjoying this glorious Summer. 

Life is good; our only concern now is Bloody-Brexit (I apologise for even mentioning it). Only 3 months now for our wonderful politicians (who will soon be on holiday for 2 months) to decide the future of England, and her ex-pats. 

Frankly I no longer care what they'll come-up with; our tiny hamlet (holiday conurbation) has been fucked-up anyway, and is no longer the peaceful little gem of previous times. These days I think we would be just as happy to become seasonal visitors, as to remain here full-time. There are still plenty of more peaceful locations out there for us to visit; we shall spend our money elsewhere.  (We, of course, voted to 'remain', but who gives a fuck about us!)

p.s. Actually, at the moment I wouldn't even mind if uber-Marxist, and friend of terrorism, Jeremy Corbyn became PM. It would be fun to see somewhere else as fucked-up as here. I can't wait to see all his supporters saying "it wasn't me; I didn't vote for him"; just as they did with Blair!

If you can, just imagine Ms Abbott as Home Secretary; she'd be even funnier than Tommy Cooper. With that in mind, I actually hope they will be elected. It would be hilarious. What larks!


  1. I love the photo of your lunch, pool, beautiful pool house and of course Billy. Lovely Summer.

    1. Summer has been pretty good so far, but how quickly it's going. Soon we'll be talking of Autumn.

  2. That meal looks very similar to what we are eating lunchtimes. Raining in Lincs this morning.

    1. I expect everyone who has a veg garden eats something similar for lunch. See what's growing, cook it, eat it.

  3. Sounds absolutely wonderful, the meal from Haddock's, a drink or two and that morning coolness and peace. No wonder you prefer summer and grandsons arriving.
    Stay where you are. You learn to live with grexit', brexit, just don't exit your paradise. What will be, will be.

    1. I've become rather cynical about the whole business. At least we have options.

  4. Sounds like you are going to have a busy Summer.

  5. so that's where Summer is hiding!

    1. A bit cooler this morning, but still warm and sunny.

  6. We are having a great Summer but are being made to feel guilty about it. We are being made to feel guilty about everything these days. It is a collective guilt.

    1. I heard recently that England had its highest ever recorded temperature. You should have held a Street Party.

  7. Our new PM is a showcase to the world of just how UK now is, God help us all, as for the other lot, they would just spend as much money as they can borrow, until we are on our knees again. Love your lifestyle, I hope you stay with peace.

    1. I have become very disheartened (like many people) with UK politics. I just wish it would all get back to how it once was!

  8. All looks beautiful. Chez Cro ....... and you have the grandsons visit to look forward to. I’m just off for lunch at a farm ..... I hope they have something resembling your fare .... that is the perfect lunch. XXXX

    1. We've just had the first of our pukka Tomatoes for lunch. Lovely.

  9. Lovely lunch Cro. Just come back from a fortnight in Shetland, no cars, no people and just the sound of sheep, but you wouldn't like the cooler weather. I did, I found it a lovely break from the heat here. Hahaha, I agree, your Corbyn -esque government would be a scream, somewhat like Spitting Image, now I almost hope they get in too!

    1. It would be almost as funny as having had Michael Foot as PM. Scotland always looks so beautiful, but you're right; the weather wouldn't suit me at all.

  10. You sounded so happy and contented in the first half of your post, then you came to politics. I know how you feel as it’s a condition that has hit almost everyplace in this world. Crises abound and there seems no relief in sight. Parties and wine do help.

    1. I think I've said several times that I couldn't care less any more about politics, but this time it really is true. They have all behaved like idiots, and no longer deserve our support or respect. I'm also old enough not to have to bother about what happens to everything.

  11. Could you please send some of that summer weather over here as our little town has today made BBC News headlines because we have been badly flooded. Amonth's rain in a couple of hours.

    1. I've just been listening to the early morning news, and I fear you might have had a repeat of your downpour. I hope you're OK.

  12. You're quite right Cro, you voted remain and no one cares because the leave vote had the majority. That is how our democracy works. It doesn't matter how many people didn't vote or any other ridiculous idea. We went fully into the EEC because join won the referendum. Despite those who voted against it or who didn't vote heavily outnumbering them. The absurd state of British politics is entirely down to the losing side being unable to accept they lost and our own MPs willingness to go back on an agreement they voted by a ratio of 6 to 1 to uphold. The latter should be ashamed of themselves. I sincerely doubt Corbyn would get in because if MPs fail to sort it out then the Brexit Party will take a huge swathe of seats. As my brother said over the Euro elections, if the Brexit Party can beat Labour in the Welsh valleys then Labour haven't a prayer. Normally they'd vote for a cabbage if you stuck a red rosette on it. Not any longer.....

    1. I think I'm reasonably safe against my cynicism, but frankly I'm so fed-up with the whole bloody lot of them, that I hardly care any more. I've always been a very 'middle-of-the-road' Conservative, but that party has now disappeared.
