Sunday 28 July 2019

Plantar Fasciitis.

For the past few weeks I've been hobbling about. I knew what the problem was; I'd had it before. It's basically a painful heel.

Plantar Fasciitis is a debilitating condition. It makes life uncomfortable, and takes all pleasure out of simply walking.

Sadly I can't remember the solution from when I last suffered; maybe it cured itself. This time, however, it didn't seem to be going away, so whilst at the pharmacie recently, I asked if they had any shoe inserts. The above is what they suggested.

They are simple leather inserts with a few bumps and pressure points, and the effect was INSTANTANEOUS. I'm still not without some slight discomfort, but the difference is amazing.

I shall probably go back and buy a few more pairs; just to have some in reserve.


  1. I suffered with that for almost a year one time. The thing that helped the most was a thing that I bought at the drugstore that strapped onto the afflicted foot and held it slightly flexed while you slept. It really worked!

    1. I suppose that's what this insert is doing; but whilst I'm walking. I'll have a look and see if I can find your one. I'd try anything at the moment.

  2. I also have had this issue off and on over the years. This year I bought a fairly inexpensive pair of inserts for my walking shoes, and the next day my foot stopped hurting. I have read that sometimes we don't have enough arch support and it causes pain in the tendons of the feet. Glad they helped, because it can be very painful for sure.

    1. My inserts (above) have quite a raised arch, and could probably be raised a bit more too. It's amazing how quickly they start to ease the pain; but not 100% cured yet.

  3. Perastika. Here's to pleasurable walking with Billy

    1. Thank you. In fact it's not too bad now; it comes and goes, this morning with Billy was OK.

  4. Sorry to hear about your foot Cro ..... Vionics make shoes to correct the alignment of our foot and lower leg. I haven’t needed them but my friend swears by them although, I think your shoe inserts are doing the trick and are similar. Hope it’s 100% soon .... your veggies need you !!!! XXXX

    1. I seem to be roughly OK today; I hope it lasts. The inserts are doing the job!

  5. My husband cure his by icing his heel and rolling his foot over a tin, it needs doing for at least 30 minutes a day.

    1. I've heard of putting your foot on ice, but not of the tin. I would find it very difficult to spend doing ANYTHING non-productive for 30 mins.... I'm a bit hyper.

  6. I found that rolling a golf ball with my bare foot for several minutes 3 or 4 times a day helped. Plus a leather insert in my flat shoes for a while.

    1. I could do the Golf Ball bit whilst watching TV; even if I did look a bit of a plonker.

    2. Yes, it did look strange but it certainly helped. It took several days though so patience is required!

  7. Sounds like the insoles are doing the trick.

    1. I think so. I probably need to wear them permanently.

  8. I too suffered from this for about 18 months.Ended up having injection in the heel spur.Unfortunately the effect only lasts for about 8 weeks. Hospital made me a pair of supports. Molded to my foot. Mine eventually got better. You have my sympathy.

    1. I think I've spent too much time bare-foot, or wearing cheap plimsoles.

  9. A frozen golf ball can help, apparently.

    By the way, I love your gorgeous new boy, Billie, Cro! Our family had a Border Collie when I was very young. BEST dog EVER!

    1. Billy is lovely. He still bites us for fun, but I'm sure he'll get over that in time.

  10. Ouch! Not nice. I’ve had this brought about by clambering up rope ladders, tottering across narrow planks and scrambling through the trees at Go Ape in Bedgebury Forest. At my age acting my shoe size and not my advanced decrepitude. Serves me right some might say?


    1. The answer is to have always worn good quality shoes; something I've never done.

    2. Walking around barefoot on a hard surface will also bring it on.

    3. Like, since we opened the pool?

    4. Could easily have been what set it off again.

  11. Ugh - foot pain and back pain - the two kinds of pain that affect everything you do. I dealt with this a few years ago. Not sure what actually made it go away! So glad you found something to provide relief! -Jenn

    1. I suffer from both, but at least I'm treating the feet. The back is not worth bothering with; rather like knees.

  12. My daughter, who lives by the beach, always wears cheap flip flops when not at work. She got this very painful condition because of it. She now wears inserts in her regular shoes and has purchased more substantial beach shoes. She still has on and off pain.

    1. Sounds classic. I think that PF is unknowingly self inflicted.

  13. I wonder if they are sold here. I have several friends who suffer.

    1. I'm sure Scholl (sp?) sell them; I was expecting to find those here.

  14. Roll a tennis ball or wine bottle with the arches of your feet. Helps.

    Orthotics are my saviour. I'm on my feet 8 hours a day on concrete floors. Every nurse I know has had PF at one point or another.

    1. I tried a Golf Ball last night, but it was a bit hard. I shall try a Tennis Ball tonight. Thanks.

  15. JayCee and 50 and counting above said the same thing i was going to say. I have been wearing supports for my shoes for decades, and they are wonderful.

    Note: do not buy and wear cheap shoes.

    1. Out here I tend to wear very cheap Espadrilles or Plimsolls most of the time. I expect they are the culprits.
