Wednesday 17 July 2019

Billy's first Summer.

Being neither 'mad', nor an Englishman, he stays indoors during the extreme midday sun.

We have established that he doesn't like the heat. He finds a nice spot somewhere on an ancient stone slab, and sleeps until it's cooler.

He loves the early mornings, and equally the cooler evenings, but in between times he's been settling down to snooze in front of Wimbledon or The Tour until things calm down a bit. I really ought to do the same.

On yesterday morning's early walk he saw a baby Fox and a Deer. I'm pleased to say that he did half-heartedly chase the Deer, but soon gave up.

Of course, like all dogs, Billy has his very favourite toy; and for the Summer it's an old towel that we used on his bed. As bedding he didn't think much of it, but as a toy he'll play with it for hours; dragging it around the garden.

If only all our lives were so simple.


  1. I agree, sometimes it is really simpler to be a beloved dog in a wonderful place in France.

    1. It's a wonderful life. All they do is eat, sleep, and play.

  2. He seems just wonderful. I miss my dog so much. Lucky you and lucky Billy.

    1. We've lost two dogs and a cat recently, so having Billy with us is a real bonus. He's terrific fun.

  3. Replies
    1. He is. He seems to have stopped growing, so we're now wondering if he'll be quite small. We'll see.

  4. What a lucky and wonderful gud dug Billy is as you all are.
    Plus he is so handsome.

    1. He is a good looking boy, and his fur has now become quite shaggy and silky. We're now trying to get him to stop biting our hands when he plays.

  5. Hasn’t Billy grown ? He’s a proper dog now and no longer a puppy. .... and he knows the right spot when it’s too hot ..... not just a pretty face ?!! Love his favourite toy ..... they can be so amusing with something as ordinary as a blanket !!! XXXX

    1. He rushes around the lawn with the towel trailing behind him. It's hilarious to watch.

  6. There are times when being a dog must be wonderful. Being owned by a Cro being a start. Not worrying about pubs closing or the 'B' word or having to paper the walls is an added bonus.

    1. I think he has a better life than us! No money worries, no shopping to do, no decisions to make. Just food, fun, and sleeping.

  7. I often envy dogs. Nothing to do but try and enjoy yourself and no sense of mortality.

    1. They have it pretty good; no worries other than the occasional visit to The Vet'.

    2. Well I had my balls chopped-off at infancy, so that holds no horrors for me.

  8. He is quite beautiful. As are all Border Collies!!

    1. They are a beautiful breed. Immediately recognisable, and great fun to have around.

  9. He looks knowy in the second photo. Nice, but knowy.

    1. He's at that age when he's pushing boundaries. We have to be careful.

  10. He's a good looking dog and I know border collies are smart. A great friend for you!

  11. I am enjoying following your Billy's growth. I'm due to receive my own new pup in two or three weeks. It is what they call here a 'Texas Heeler' which is a cross between an Australian Cattle Dog (Heeler) and an Australian Shepherd. They are very smart and my pup is a cute female. I've written about her on my Oakdalefarm blog. I haven't had a pup in decades (our last 4 dogs have been adult rescues), so your stories about Billy give me a little more confidence. Eager to start with my newbie, and glad to follow your progress. Thanks!

    1. Our two previous dogs were rescue dogs, but both came quite young. It's such fun seeing them grow and develop into adulthood.

      I had a look at your Texas Heeler; they do look as if there's quite a bit of Border Collie in them; of course it could be the other way around!

  12. The Border Collie is such a popular breed today for good reason. They are beautiful, friendly dogs. Your son gave you a great gift of love and a companion to be with during the best and hardest of days. You are both lucky to have each other.

    1. He's just started lying at my feet when I'm working. Very faithful dogs, and a pleasure to have around. I can't wait for him to become an 'adult'.

  13. We gave Rick a bath yesterday. He's a very fluffy but sweet smelling dog now!

    1. Billy had the hose on him just after lunch; he's fluffy, but I'm not sure about the sweet smelling. It's very hot here. I'm watching The Tour (Albi to Toulouse) between tasks.
