Monday 15 July 2019

A message from B B B Boris, on the publishing of my 3,500th page.


Erm, Bonum Mane Cro.

What, erm; what's all this, erm, 3,500 pages business all about?

Cripes; old thingamy tells me, B  B  B  B  Bloody hell, that, erm, ha ha, erm, it's some sort of, erm, numerical achievement. Jolly good.

Erm, well yes, B  B  B Bugger me, erm, it sounds a lot anyway; whatever it is.

So, erm, yes, jolly good, erm, rather busy with all this PM business at the mo'; pop round for a tankard of, erm, cervisium some time.

Sincere vestrum, Ex Borisium x.


  1. Haha, very Boris. Congratulations on your 3,500th page.

    1. Thank you; it's all been a wonderful way to waste my time.

  2. Well done for 3500. I wonder if your sister has read them all?
    BTW I met the 90's and thought him a pleasant chap, good writer but not so hot on public speaking.

    1. Everyone I know who's met him says what a nice guy he is. It remains to be seen how he performs as PM (if he gets the job). The fact that the left are so anti him is a good sign; they hate anything of quality.

  3. Congratulations on your 3,500. I am not as articulate as dear Boris, but well done anyway.

  4. Congrats on the 3500 th. We must have started about the same time.

  5. Well done, Cro. 3500 is one hell of an achievement, day after day!

  6. You certainly are a prolific writer. Congratulations on finding a subject to talk about every day.

  7. Presumably nearly ten years. Well done. I doubt I have read them all as I often have periods where I don't log on for a few days and rarely get to catch up.

    1. You haven't missed much. I probably haven't read them all myself!
