Saturday 29 June 2019

The Funding of the Royals.

There has been much wringing of hands in the press recently about the cost of renovating the rather unattractive Frogmore Cottage (£2.4 Million), the new home of Harry and Meghan; which is owned by The Queen's 'Crown Estate'. The Republicans were eager to jump on the guillotine bandwagon, and denounce the whole Royal Family as being a huge drain on national funds.

If Her Majesty is spending money on renovations to Frogmore Cottage, she is only doing so in order to keep her own property in good order.

As I understand it, The Royals have two main areas of income. The Queen's 'Crown Estate', and Charles's 'Duchy of Cornwall'. The Queen graciously hands over the entire income from her personal Estate to the Government, and receives a small percentage back (25%) for expenses, and Charles pays normal Taxes on his income from The Duchy.

The Crown Estate currently produces an annual income of approx £304 Million, with The Queen receiving up to £80 Million in return, in what is known as the 'Sovereign Grant'. A pretty good deal for the National Purse.

The Duchy of Cornwall produces an annual income for Prince Charles of around £21 Million, on which he 'voluntarily' pays income Tax of 50%. There are plenty of Footballers about, who earn the same, if not more than Charles.

Personally I couldn't care less how much they earn, as long as they are able to afford all the 'Pomp and Ceremony' that the country demands of them; and that doesn't come cheaply!


  1. Whatever, but it would still have been nice if they just quietly paid for it themselves without receiving the rebate.

    1. After all the hullabaloo, I thought I'd try to find out how it was actually funded, and even how the Royals themselves are funded. I knew that The Civil List has stopped in 2011, but wasn't sure (I wasn't really interested) in what had replaced it. The money The Queen receives is in fact her own money, and she used some of it to restore her own property. This sounds no different to what we all do; although probably on a smaller scale.

    2. I expect they'll live there for three weeks and then Meghan won't like it and they'll head off to the next property.

    3. In California. I believe the cottage was previously used to house estate workers; maybe it'll return to something similar.

    4. It was divided into staff flats, yes, and now has been made into one dwelling. So all the separate kitchens and bathrooms have gone. As all Meghan's staff have walked out it does the job well.

    5. She doesn't seem very popular with her staff; playing 'The Princess', no doubt.

  2. The building looks particularly unattractive from that view.

    1. It's a hotch-potch (is that how you spell it?). The front isn't too bad.

  3. i had not heard those figures. rather telling.

    1. The 'republicans' like to suggest that they all sponge off the state, but of course it isn't true; they contribute a lot.

  4. Oh dear - people are beginning to talk about the couple already - I do hope things work out for them because I think Harry is a genuinely nice chap. As to the cost of the renovations - it was probably due for them and hopefully they will stay there - we shall see.

    1. Somehow I doubt if they will stay in the UK. If the press decide they don't like her (which seems to be happening already) I expect they'll relocate. The USA would adore them both; we'll see.

    2. Meghan decides for herself.

    3. Did the Press tell her to move out of Kensington Palace? Did the Press tell her to end the William and Harry Charity? Get real Cro, she makes her own decisions.

    4. I quite expect the split was caused by her realising that Kate didn't like her. She's probably more sensitive to criticism or dislike than we imagine. She's used to be 'admired', it probably came as a shock that anyone could dislike her.

  5. She called herself Princess of the United Kingdom on Archie's Birth Certificate.

    1. I suppose that's what she is; married to a Prince; but it might have been more diplomatic if she'd put 'Actress'.

  6. It only costs each person about £1.20 which, to me, isn’t a lot when you consider how much the Royal family brings in to the country ......apparently, Meghan’s new nickname is Meghan Antoinette !!! XXXX

    1. Of course they are a huge asset to Great Britain PLC. Their contribution is inestimable.

  7. That is not the photo the estate agent would have taken. From the back it does look like a cottage. From the front it looks like the sort of house that an American billionaire would build on a gated estate with a private golf course. As for the money, I don't give a toss.

    1. Oh hang on - I have been looking at Frogmore House, not the cottage. Now I am wondering how on earth they could have spent that much money on it.

    2. It used to be a row of several estate workers' cottages, they have knocked the whole lot into one house. I imagine this would be reasonably pricey if one insisted on top quality finishes etc.

  8. £2.5 million? You could buy a beach hut in Studland Bay for that.

    1. It's probably half the amount Robbie Williams would spend on a basement pool.

    2. This is not the final bill. Phase two is in the pipeline.

    3. I have submitted a tender for the job.

    4. Don't forget, all materials have to be vegan.

    5. Your adverts really did work then!

    6. I am also going to straighten up the Tower of Pisa so that more people pay attention to it rather than visiting all those boring buildings which surround it.

  9. From what I understand the entire cost of the renovation of Frogmore has been paid for from the Sovereign Grant. As you have correctly stated the Crown Estate produces over £300 million in profits and this year Prince Charles paid over £7 million in income tax, when combined more than many multinational companies such as Starbucks. On top of that the Queen also voluntarily pays tax on her income from the Duchy of Lancaster. In reality not only do the Royals cost the taxpayers zero but they actually provide a net contribution. Also all the engagements carried out on behalf of the government are unpaid, only expenses are covered. How many politicians can say that for themselves....

    1. That's what I was trying to explain. But tell it to 'republicans' and they wouldn't believe a word of it.

  10. There is something very off with this couple and their life. Meghan is not the superstar she is being portrayed as. Cable actress of a little watched programme.

    Harry? Well we all wanted his marriage to work. It just seems odd he chose a chicken eating vegan.

    These two could deflect so much of the criticism by cooperating or staging the right photo op. Meghan with the missing Beagle shot walking in the distance. One of them popping out of Boots clutching a bag of nappies. I mean pre marriage, she had no problem being papped shopping near KP.

    1. When Diana Spencer married into 'the firm' she was given instruction from The Queen Mum; most of which she chose to ignore. It seems that no-one gave Markle similar advice before she married Harry; she seemed to think that everyone would adore her, regardless of how she behaved. I think she could still be well liked, but she'll have to work at it.

  11. We, here in South Africa get such garbled news about the royals. I feel sorry for the young couple; Meghan is getting a lot of negative press. On another [sad] note, Cro, I don't know why I missed it, but I wasn't aware that Bok had died. I am sorry. Jo

    1. Yes, poor old Bok. He had put on a lot of weight, which we put down to over-eating. Then we found he had a HUGE tumour on his spleen, which was inoperable. It was a terrible shock.

  12. Well, this American thinks she's made much ado about nothing. Perhaps she, like Kate, should have taken "princess lessons" before marriage. I think not attending the State Dinner for President Trump was awful comportment for a "princess." I think the marriage is doomed, but Harry will carry on because he must.

    1. I tend to be as pessimistic in the long term. She risks becoming a 'pushy Princess'; we are seeing this already with so many of her staff leaving their jobs. A pity, because so many had great hopes for her.

  13. Please, no generalities. _This_ American would not be happy if they bounced over here.

    It's the bleeding-heart-Liberals who adore them.

    And they are not, all of us!!!

    But they do make a lot of noise, and make it seem, that all Americans are as deluded and 'Head in the Clouds," as they are.

    Bahhhh-humbug, to that, say I...!!!!

