Sunday 23 June 2019

Human melting point?

It looks as if next week we will all die of heatstroke. Next Wednesday Thursday and Friday we are promised temperatures of up to 39 C; far too hot for humans.

We shall, of course, spend our days in the pool holding parasols, drinking copious amounts of cold beer, and filling our hats pockets and shoes with ice cubes. Otherwise we'll stay indoors during daylight (sunlight) hours, and only venture outdoors at night.

If you don't hear from me next weekend, please don't send flowers. Generous donations to the Impoverished Artists Widow's Association (made payable to Lady Magnon) would be very welcome.


  1. There will be only 32 degrees here, but we're used to it.

    1. I can just about cope with 32 C, but if they're right about 39 C, we'll start to cook.

  2. But there is not one day forecast to be over 40 degrees C!!!! It's only a heatwave when there are at least 3 days in a row over 40!

    1. I once went to Greece when it was 40 C. It was deadly.

  3. Rather you than me. From what you say it sounds as though it cools down at night which would be great.

    1. 20 C-ish at nights, so it should be OK. We'll probably move out to the 'tower'.

  4. It's forecast to be 40 C in Paris on Wednesday. We're having a cool rainy morning today in the east of Austria where happily we call three days in a row of over 30 a heatwave! On Monday our second heatwave week of the summer will commence. The last one maxed at 39.6 C.

    1. 40 C is far too hot. I like it around 25 C. Of course, their predictions are not always correct.

  5. We've been threatened with 22 c, quite warm enough for me.

    Hottest I ever experienced was Bulgaria about 12 years ago, one day it made 53 c, the hottest day in living memory we were told, fortunately the accommodation had efficient aircon.

    1. I mentioned above at having gone to Greece and found it was 40 C. Apparently several elderly people died from the heat. I can't imagine being in 53 C, that sounds like torture.

  6. We're having a Mini heatwave just now, temps of 39 but here on the island probably around 35. We are used to worse too. It's only June. Lots more to come!
    Jump in that pool. The water must be cool-ish still. 39o in August will be much worse

    1. The pool should warm-up today. I've just noticed that they're now forecasting 40 C for Thursday. It goes from bad to worse!

  7. It’s going to be in the 30’s here next week, although the predictions seem to change daily ! Still hot whatever !
    It was 50 when we were in Las Vegas, but we did acclimatise very quickly. Too hot though .... I looked awful .... bright red face and lank hair ... not a good look !! XXXX

    1. At 50 C, I think I would have gone home; far too hot. I could fry an egg on my bald head!

  8. We wouldn't mind a teeny bit of that heat here if you can spare it.

  9. We had 39 in NZ in 2012/13.everybody just got everything done early and stayed out of it by middday!

    1. Very wise, I expect that'll be what we do.

  10. Please don't send any heat back here.....I am quite happy at around 20c thank you very much. I think the hottest I have ever been in was a few years ago in Avignon. 30c I believe. We were on a river cruise and I spent the afternoon in the air con in our cabin.

    1. Yes, the south can become very hot, with that relentless wind. We do have a fan that works well, but it's always a last resort.

  11. You could send some down here - it's freezing!

    It is rather extreme but as Fran mentioned- 3 days over 40c is a heatwave.

    Close up first thing - draw blinds/curtains- drink lots- stay in the shade. Wear light clothing (if any) big wide hats - use your pool

    1. And it's still only June. I think the pool will win; as long as the water remains under 30 C.

  12. You are welcome to pop over here to cool down. Maximum of 18 degrees and some more rain to come on Monday if you are interested?

    1. We might be tempted; we'll see if their predictions are right.

  13. Question for you Cro I read our weekly Irish forecast for this coming week.
    "By mid week and towards the end of the week temperatures will rise into the mid twenties and locally higher. Night time values will also move into the mid teens, so very warm and humid. There will be spells of warm sunshine each day, hazy at times, but some heavy thundery downpours in places as well. Sea mist and fog will also form, with some patches drifting onshore locally also."
    My question is what and where is locally ?

    1. I take 'locally' to mean 'here and there'. It's an easy cop-out word for unsure meteorologists.

  14. I note storms coming across the Atlantic are causing high pressure which is drawing hot air up from North Africa over to Europe for a few days until the storms break. The Guardian has reported it is as due to Global Warming but they are using a new expression, Emergency Climate Conditions.

    1. Emergency Climate Conditions sounds very nasty; I think I prefer Global Warming. I keep hearing about water shortages, which is even more worrying.

    2. It looked like a new expression the Guardian have adopted for global warming. I think the storms in the Atlantic effecting our weather are fairly common. Why, I even remember them as a child... As for shortage of water, we have the water but nobody is bothering to catch it and store it. We know how to do it but it is a long and neglected issue.

  15. I know that people think of Canada as being very cold (and we are) but the real issue is our extremes of temperature. Last summer we had a few days around 40C and almost hit 45C on another day! I felt as though I hid indoors for much of the time. So far this year it has been cooler t& wetter than normal and I really don't mind., although we are to stay around 26C for most of next week which will be nice. Take care

    1. My cousin who lived in Vancouver used to say that on occasions he could go skiing in the morning, and swimming in the afternoon.

  16. I heard it from Brussels first. Storm warnings in the UK now. Be assured, the 39 degree temperature is nothing to do with global warming as we freeze here with a succession of lowest daytime temps ever.

    1. Well, you are upside-down after all. Your global cooling is our global warming. Isn't that right?

  17. A pleasant 22 degrees in Lincolnshire today but storms are supposedly on their way.

  18. 31 C here at the moment. We are swimming between tasks. Lovely.
