Wednesday 26 June 2019

Has the UK really come to this? (The hounding of Boris)

Devastate: Verb. 1.To destroy or ruin. 2. To cause (someone) severe and overwhelming shock or grief.

These bloody people make me sick.

Two charming female anarchists, who presumably consider themselves 'lower class' (as they are promoting something called 'Class War'), demonstrating outside Boris and his girlfriend's flat in London. They also plaster the road with nasty posters about him, and shout unpleasant expletives every time they enter or leave. 

If they really do wish to 'devastate' the Avenues of the wealthy, why are they only demonstrating outside just one specific house? Other homes in the 'Avenue' probably contain just as much 'wealth'.

This, unfortunately, is how certain people behave today. They wish to bring everything down to a 'lowest common denominator'.Just imagine the rumpus there'd be if a group of Tories lead a similar protest outside Corbyn's house.

And just imagine the rumpus there'd be if the two above, or the three below,  held their puerile banners outside homes in The People's Republic of Islington or Notting Hill, or outside the huge homes of wealthy Labour supporters, such as Lord Bamford (JCB), Lord Ashcroft, JK Rowling, or Bernie Ecclestone. Being told by these charming folk that they have found new homes for them in the cemetery, wouldn't go down too well.

I have nothing against those who vote blue, red, pink or green, or how rich they are; but this sort of misguided behaviour from any quarter is totally UNACCEPTABLE.

To threaten people simply because they've worked hard and become successful, is so typical of the angry, chip-on-shoulder, left. 

I wonder what they consider 'wealthy' these days? Presumably, anyone who has more than they do!

p.s. The 'Lucy Parsons' to whom the top quote is attributed also famously wrote "Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination". 

What a repulsive person; I'm not surprised she's their heroine. 


  1. It is only the kinder gentler leftards showing off. Don't worry they are mostly soy persons and school teachers. Nothing a slap wouldn't sort.

  2. Why is this not a Hate Crime?

    1. It IS hate crime, but no-one is prepared to do anything about it. Sad days.

  3. Far left or far right equally as bad as each other. Funnily enough haven't seen that photo but then don't read those papers;) Just looked it up by the way. A small band of anarchists will never make good in Britain...

    1. They may be few in number, but they're very vocal. A very nasty and evil bunch.

  4. Demonstrating outside the private residence is not on. Go demonstrate in Parliament Square.

    1. I think their whole aim is to harass people in their own homes. To make their protests 'personal'.

    2. I'd empty a chamber from my window if I thought it would not improve them.

    3. It's what they deserve; although I think it would be wasted on them.

  5. Repulsive is a very mild adjective, Cro.

  6. No Colonel, the UK has definitely not come to this. You get a distorted view of it from where you reside. I am totally unaware of the tiny handful of nasty, attention-seeking anarchists that you have found photos of. There are laws against hate speech and incitement to violence, so if they were as numerous as you seem to believe they would be dealt with.

    1. I believe they're a very small group (well, they're bound to be), but they are very vocal, and get themselves plenty of publicity.

    2. And there has never been a better time to hound Boris. Even his own colleagues are hounding him.

    3. Then hound him through the usual channels, and in a way that is acceptable to decent folk.

    4. No you are wrong. He needs to be hounded through the usual channels. That fool is a liability to the public purse, let alone anything else. He is a disgrace. Would you deny this? £40 million pounds wasted during his term as Mayor of London alone. A woman still languishes in an Iranian gaol because of his foolishness. I hope you are not trying to defend his record.

    5. Oh sorry, I thought you said 'unacceptable'. Carry on Colonel.

    6. A woman languishes in an Iranian prison because of the Iranian regime not because of Boris Johnson.

  7. 36 C and rising here. I think I may have lost many of my small 'winter veg' plants. Too hot; too dry.

  8. I can sympathise with your views on hounding Boris, the person who can't remember what he said from one day to the next, appears often to be drunk, and is clearly falling apart mentally and appears alarmingly unbalanced. I am less disapproving about hounding a proven liar, a bully who betrayed a colleague to someone intending to physically damage him, who messed up Nazanin's life with his carelessness, and is now prepared to say and do anything whatsoever in order to become PM. If this means he needs to be hounded, then do this or anything else it takes to get him out of the way and protect our lives, our futures and our children's futures.

    1. There will soon be another General Election; that will be the time to make views known, and replace whoever becomes the next PM. I am not defending Boris here; just pointing-out the nastiness of these so-called anarchists.
