Friday 21 June 2019

Florist's Bucket.

Every time I see this bucket (it holds our Badminton rackets etc) I have to chuckle.

I was in Brighton, taking a few boxes of rubbish to a nearby municipal dump. Arriving at the dump, I found a youngish rather 'well-to-do' looking man THROWING stuff from the back of his car, with angry delight. He was obviously in a very bad mood.

His ejectiles included brand new Hockey sticks, women's clothes and shoes, pictures, kitchen kit, radios, ornaments, suit cases, and the above Florist's bucket; amongst a whole lot of other brand new looking possessions.

I casually asked "Are you chucking all this stuff away?"

"Yes I fucking am" he replied, heatedly.

"Would you mind if I took the bucket?" I asked.

"Take whatever you fucking like" he replied, going ever redder by the minute.

I took the bucket, and left without saying any more.

What happened when his poor wife/girlfriend returned home; I can't imagine, but I quite expect a court case followed soon after. It didn't give me any pleasure in her misery, but the bucket has served me well for over 40 years; and she's not having it back!


  1. and a very nice bucket it is too.

  2. Replies
    1. Actually, I think it's better suited for brollies than Badminton rackets. Brolly probably needed this morning!

  3. How orderly that he had actually gone to the tip with it.

    1. He was an organised sort of man. Not the type to have thrown everything on the street; and very very angry.

  4. Replies
    1. I can imagine; it helps the healing process.

  5. Nice bucket. I don't do tantrums. When I divorced, 20+yrs ago, we were organised. We had lists. I took the cat.

    1. I'm not that type either, but I did enjoy seeing his fury.

  6. I remember an early argument when the worst thing I could think to do was to loosen all his guitar strings. I guess I just must be too nice (cough).

  7. My husband would have rescued the whole darn lot. Bucket is excellent, asthetically pleasing which is always most important

    1. Well, I didn't really want her Hockey sticks or clothes.

  8. Excellent find! You are making me think it would be fun to play badminton again! We used to string a net up on the lawn. -Jenn

  9. I hope it made him feel better. I am sure it made her lawyer richer.

    1. He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.

  10. I always thought Brighton was a bit wefined. Bucket, pronounced bouquet. Hyacinth will tell you. Check on Youtube.

  11. A handsome bucket it is, too! Very hard to find these days. You had real foresight.

    1. I would have taken all sorts of other stuff, but I could see he was about to explode!

  12. Replies
    1. It's a very nice, classic object. I don't know where you could buy one; if you needed to.

  13. I have a rather smaller version of the same bucket. It was given me full of daffodils and now sits on my kitchen counter, holding utensils, business end up.

    1. Mine was (I imagine) designed to take quite large cut flowers. It's a bit top-heavy.
