Monday 3 June 2019

Extinction Rebellion.

One could easily be forgiven for viewing Britain's Climate Change activists (Extinction Rebellion) as a bunch of middle class, white, snowflake, self-righteous, polluting, dungaree-wearing, vegan, anti-capitalists, who all live off benefits. Some of this is certainly true from what I've observed, but other than 'hypocrisy' they also have other fine qualities.

They are also capable of putting innocent lives at risk, in order to promote their particular form of eco-terrorism. I am not against peaceful protest; but threatening the very lives of innocent air-passengers is irresponsible to say the least.

There is not a single person in the world who would not like cleaner air, and increased longevity for our planet and our descendents, but there are much more efficient ways to achieve this than flying drones over Heathrow.

The UK has one of the best possible records in reducing pollution, with The USA and China amongst the worst. If closing down Heathrow for 11 days has any advantage whatsoever, it will be to stop the unpleasant Emma Thompson flying in from Los Angeles to preach to us. Maybe if her flight is cancelled, she can stay at home and have a chat with Trump (unless, of course, he's having afternoon tea with Elizabeth II).


  1. Just in case you are unaware, these protestors (extinction rebellion) are threatening to close down Heathrow airport in London by flying drones over the runways. They will do this on one day this month, and for 10 days in July; in order to ruin people's summer holidays.

    1. I hadn't heard about this. See it is a protest against an expansion of Heathrow. I didn't realise there was space to expand it. Not very up-to-date with U.K. news.

    2. There isn't space to expand it. They are going to have to destroy a couple of villages.

  2. I have the impression that climate people are some of the worst polluters as they are constantly jetting about the world from one seminar, meeting, conference, get-together et al to the next. Some pollution could be reduced by simple acts which wouldn't even cost anything. For example reducing the amount of heavy goods vehicles on European roads. It's little wonder that the Genovese bridge fell down the amount of trucks that thunder over it carrying everything from bottle water to toilet rolls from one end of the continent to other.

    1. I believe that after their last protest in central London, the road cleaners had to dispose of mountains of empty plastic water bottles. Buying less of those would do far more good for the climate than bringing Oxford Circus to a standstill.

  3. Whatever the situation, there is always a knack for getting a point across effectively, without upsetting people. These protesters obviously do not have that knack!

    1. In this particular case I have sympathy with their cause, but not their methods. Just imagine if a plane was to make an emergency landing, and swallowed a drone into its engine. It could be disastrous.

    2. And when you endanger people, or annoy them too much, they will stop listening, regardless of the justness of the cause.

    3. It just makes people angry.

  4. Schools out, teachers will take their classrooms to Heathrow runways. It is an extra curricula activity.

  5. The sad thing is protesters only get their message across when they cause havoc. There are thirty million cars in the UK and far too many planes. We have got to start looking at cleaner ways of transport.

    1. I haven't been to the UK for about 20 years, but I was always shocked by the amount of cars on the roads. I went shopping this morning, and on the 40 Km round trip I probably saw about 10 cars.

    2. No one likes to admit the truth. That there are far too many people on a small island. Mainly because then they'd have to question the issue of admitting an additional 300,000 people every year!

  6. hearing someone from air traffic control on the radio this morning saying that airways in Britain, especially in the southeast, are at capacity...
    I remember when the ash from an Icelandic volcano downed planes for a few days.
    The colour of the sky was visible, and you could hear more as well as see more.
    People have been saying that things are not right with the environment since Cobbett..the sad thing is that people don't listen, or think that they can't do anything to help. That is why the protesters are getting even more vociferous and "making a nuisance of themselves"

    1. We should ALL care about our environment by doing as much as we can in our own little worlds. Causing upset to travellers may be 'headline grabbing', but it doesn't really help the cause.

  7. To me the kicker is that a whole lot of the parts in a drone are made with products made from oil.

    1. That too! I hadn't given that much thought, but no doubt if one went through everything the protestors possess, you'd find some very non-eco stuff (much as you'd find here too).

  8. As you say - I may agree with their cause but NOT with their tactics. If they fly drones near the airport - arrest them and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
    I heartily recommend the book "How Bad are Bananas" by Michael Berners-Lee - it gives the carbon footprint of almost everything you can think of - and believe me - there are quite a few surprises in there! But by far - aside from meat & dairy production (and he does not advocate being vegetarian or vegan - simply cut back) the biggest polluter of all is flying! So people like Emma Thomson and Leonardo Dicaprio can all get off their high horse and try living in the real world - where we should all do our best each and every day.
    I'd like some reporter to interview a couple of those "average" protestors and then analyze - their clothing - living arrangements - consumer goods - electronics - etc. etc. - bet the results wouldn't be any better than the rest of us!

    1. They'd turn-out to be as bad as the worst of us; I'm sure. No, best to do our own bit as well as we can, and, as you say, cut down on our consumption. We buy, and eat, far too much.

  9. Peaceful protest, and freedom of movement are both rights that are protected in our laws. They would do well to remember this, and not jeopardise it.

    1. Such rights can easily disappear if they're not respected. It remains to be seen if they'll continue with this irresponsible scheme. I do hope not.

  10. I've not heard about this new drone flying. With much self interest, they must cease and desist.

    1. They've only just announced it. With the reception they received, they'd be best to keep quiet and forget it.
