Sunday 16 June 2019

Boo Boo's future?

Boo Boo's father (my youngest) has decided not to stay in Thailand whilst his villa is being built, and has taken a flat in London's Ladbroke Square, neighbouring Holland Park and Notting Hill.

His reasoning being that he needs to be living in an area where there are good, safe, quality, schools for his two boys. Boo Boo's school in Thailand turned out to be pretty hopeless.

I asked if he knew about the 'infamous' Holland Park School. He didn't.

There are plenty of good schools in central London. St Pauls, Westminster, King's College, etc; but these will cost you about £30,000 pa.

But, there is one excellent school within his catchment area that is very well known for other reasons, and it is literally just down the road from his flat.

Holland Park School (above) is known as the 'Socialist's Eton'. The next best thing to Eton in State education for aspiring Champagne Socialists. Trendy left wing parents throughout London fight for places there.

However, it isn't a foregone conclusion that little Keir, Clement, or Aneurin (or even Boo Boo) who may live next door to the school, will be offered a place. For the 240 places in each years' intake, there are about 1,900 applications.

Provided that my son stays in Ladbroke Square, Boo Boo will certainly be a priority case. But it maybe wise for BB to start reading Das Kapital, so that he can quote Marx at an interview in a few year's time; it could only improve his chances!

It'll be nice to have them all back in Europe again.


  1. Have you considered a state boarding school? I worked at Wymondham College and my daughter was a pupil there later. Rachel could keep an eye on him for you!

    1. I don't think they're very keen on 'boarding', otherwise he might have gone to my own alma mater. I've never understood what people have against boarding (other than the cost).

  2. Hope, for you, this means BB will be spending his summer hols in France!

  3. I can't wait for Boo Boo to start quoting Jezza to his grandfather.

    1. Heaven forbid!!! But it's an interesting concept.

  4. There will be interesting arguments around the dinner table!

    1. Thin gruel for him; foie gras for us. He'd have to be true to his beliefs.

  5. When they abolished the grammar schools was it the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? I tend to the former. The photo is either an airport concourse or a maximum security prison. Can't be a school surely? Schools have playing fields. We had four or five rugby pitches, tennis courts, a cricket square, a metalwork shop, and the girls next door where my sister went had field hockey and rounders and I don't know what else. And it was all FREE including buses to take us there and back every day. We had a square meal every day comprising meat potato and two veg and a pudding. We paid a nominal sum for that. It seems to me these days from what you say that education these days is a money making racket. Vienna University is also FREE. Maybe that'll change when Mr Soros opens his international socialism educational establishment just up the road (the one that was banned in Hungary). I think it's next year.

    1. Wilson did two things of note. The worst was to abolish Grammar Schools, and the best was to establish The Open University. He also told LBJ where to stuff Vietnam; but that was another matter.

  6. I thought they would head back to Oz. London, an education in itself. Lady M will be seeing more of them. You might even venture over.

    1. He has very itchy feet, and has never actually lived in London. Everyone should spend a few years in London; it broadens the mind.

    2. It's pouring with rain again.

    3. Nice here. Hot; but pool gone down to 20 C. Everyone is cutting their hay.

  7. It will be nice for you to have them a bit closer.

    1. A novelty! I'm not sure if I'll still recognise them.
