Tuesday 18 June 2019

Andrew Marr, Rory, and the fragrant Boris.


The UK's Andrew Marr Show is essential Sunday morning viewing, and on last Sunday's edition he interviewed Tory PM hopeful, Rory Stewart. Many of you may have seen it.

At one point during the interview Marr 'accused' both Rory and Boris of having been at Eton and Balliol; as if this was something to be ashamed of.

Marr (Loretto and Trinity), who once described himself as a 'raving leftie', seems, like so many Socialists, to have a problem with high achievers, and success; i.e. people like himself.

I find this attitude most odd. If he would really prefer to take any Tom Dick or Harry off a dustcart, and place him in No 10; then say so. Personally I want my Prime Ministers to be as well educated as possible. I want the highest of high achievers.

Boris managed to win a scholarship to Eton, and a scholarship to Balliol; no mean feats! He was also President of the Oxford Union, and later became Mayor of London. In between time he managed to write about a dozen books.

I really do find it bizarre that there are people who would quite happily see a known Marxist and his cronies in No 10, whilst criticising someone of true intellect; but I suppose that's the state of the crazy UK these days. OK, Boris might have made a few 'interesting' observations about Burka wearers and Watermelons, but that's nothing compared to the appalling language that I hear about him, on a daily basis.

N.B.When, in September 2017, I predicted that Rory would one day become Prime Minister, he was still unknown to most people, and even I didn't think things could advance as fast as they have. I don't think his time will come this year; but give him a couple of years.....


  1. I hope he disappears but who can tell we seem to like strange leaders.

    1. I simply hope that they chose someone quite soon, and that he or she is capable of the job. I also hope and pray that Corbyn doesn't get to ruin poor old Britain; as he's threatening to do.

  2. The D.T. is full of Rory puff and a fair amount of Boris scorn. I am sure that we are supposed to be influenced by these articles.

    1. There is no question that they are both extremely bright, but whether or not they could run UK PLC is another matter.

  3. Replies
    1. Which one, Rory or Boris (or both)?

    2. I thought you were writing about Rory Stewart.

    3. I was, but I did also mention Boris.

    4. I only looked at the picture.

    5. I beg to differ. She missed the carefully considered observations on the lack of moral fibre amongst the lower orders which we all have come to eagerly look forward to.

    6. I stick to my theme; I really cannot understand the Brit' attitude to high achievers, and/or success. Even people like Marr have it, and he's one himself!

  4. Of course we don't see the show here and it would not be of great interest. I don't doubt the intelligence of Boris and he can certainly talk the talk, but is there substance to him? Nothing I have seen indicates so. And can he deal with various factions within his party as May failed to do?

    1. As with all prospective PM's, he is untried and untested. He will begin his term as all-knowing saviour, and end it as useless nincompoop. It was always thus.

  5. Are you suggesting that those who did not go to Eton and Oxford are not high achievers of true intellect?

    1. Not at all; anything but. However, it does seem obsessive in the UK to put people down when they have done well. Beckham and Jamie Oliver are classic examples; build them up, then knock them down.

    2. Well at least they weren't privately educated, but I wouldn't want either of them as P.M. Both are examples that formal academic intellect and achievement do not necessarily go together. But that can be true in more cerebral areas too provided one passes the necessary threshold, which is why I would have no concerns about Corbyn's ability to do the job.

    3. The sooner that Corbyn disappears the better; far too dangerous. The poor old UK would end-up like Venezuela.

    4. Maybe, but that's a different kind of concern rather than one about his intellectual ability to do the job.

  6. 'Cometh the hour cometh the man'. (and sometimes a lady Boadicea, Thatcher, Elizabeth I) Churchill, Montgomery, Nelson, Drake, Elgar, Shakespeare, Newton. We are blessed and I pray we will be again.

    1. Only time will tell Gwil, and time can be cruel.

    2. Queen Isabella of Spain. That's who we need

    3. Thatcher would perfect at the moment; she miss-timed her call.

  7. Quite hot here (31 C) so I've just had a swim. Whilst swimming I noticed a small Lizard on the bottom, so I fished her out and put her in the sun. After a while she ran off. I wonder how long she'd been under water?

  8. I might even watch the debate tonight - haven't decided yet.

    1. There were just three on my list; Andrea, Rory, and Boris. Now it's a toss-up between the last two. We'll soon see.
