Sunday 26 May 2019

Why so hot?

In general, French offices, shops, and supermarkets are far too hot. I constantly find myself wanting to get out of them a.s.a.p.

I have no idea where this desire to be HOT comes from. It obviously costs a lot of money, it can't be good for you, and one presumes that environmentally it is slowly killing our lovely planet, via the back door.

Personally I prefer to be slightly cool, with a constant supply of refreshingly clean air. I don't particularly like the idea of breathing warm air that has already been exhaled by countless others (of unknown health).

You may find my attitude slightly obsessive, although I myself see it far removed from anything related to OCD. It's just that when one is used to natural temperatures, and breathing pure, 1st hand, air, anything that doesn't meet those strict standards is just not good enough.


  1. I always had to remember to put a jumper or coat on when we shopped at Leclercs - it was always cool in there.

    1. It's always cold around the chilled cabinets, then far too hot everywhere else. I don't mind the chilly areas.

  2. There's nothing like crisp clean fresh country air.
    Shops here tend to be on the chilly side. I do like Aircon in shops in the summer. It's a real relief to step into a refrigerated supermarket!

  3. No business would be in business for long here if they didn't keep things cool in the summer. And I swear the summers seem to get hotter and hotter.

  4. I also like the cooler shops especially in summer. I can't stand the warm shops, I always think it is a breeding ground filled with flu germs.

  5. I have been known to complain in Waitrose that it is too cold. Along with many other shoppers one does not linger in such low temperatures. It is clearly visible that customers are frozen and cannot wait to get out. It must be bad for business.

  6. I think the answer to your question lies in Rachel's answer above but I am inclined to agree with you.

  7. I love being out in the cold because you can always warm up. But in the heat I just wilt. When I was at work our building had no air conditioning but was right on Lake Geneva. I was always desperate to get the windows open and get some fresh air but my French colleague hated having the windows open. When she left the office my Irish colleague and I ran over and opened both windows and thrilled to be able to breath properly. I guess it's just a question of what you're used to isn't it. I supposed my French colleague is so glad I retired (although she swears she isn't because she has no-one to laugh and joke with now)!

  8. I find all the stores so cold I have to pack in my jacket, and then strip it off on leaving, now with a bag of groceries in each hand. Damned if you do, etc.

  9. I am with you. Nearly everywhere is too warm for me.

  10. Well, I suppose this goes to show that we are all different; with most of us unhappy about temperatures. That's life!
