Friday 10 May 2019

Where the hell do I put my X?

                             Résultat de recherche d'images pour "uk polling station"

Ever since the age of 18 I have only ever voted for one political party. I have worked for a couple of MP's, and have even acted as an agent for a prospective County Councilor. As a 'middle of the road' voter, there has only ever been one possible box for my X.

Now things have changed, and I am at a total loss who I would vote for. Maybe it's a good thing that I no longer have a postal vote, or I would be turning greyer and balder than I already am.

Maybe if my old party chose a new leader who had real guts, I might vote for them again; but I fear this may not be the case. I have made various suggestions for a successor to May on these pages, including 'Tory Rory' Stewart and Andrea Leadsom, but none of them has the gutsy qualities needed; although Leadsom does come close. The next PM will not only need to be very bright, but he/she will also have to be extremely tough.

The main problem is apathy. Without someone who inspires, the country could easily fall into Marxist hands, and all the recent repair work after 'Labour's' last disastrous reign could quickly be undone (yet again); only this time it could be far worse.

These are troubling times. The N Americans think they have problems with Trump, but that's nothing in comparison to what our own dear Corbyn & Co could do to the UK. We are at a pivotal stage in the UK's history, and it needs to be handled very cautiously.

If a combination of Corbyn, Watson, Abbott, and The Trade Unions, were running the shop, it could all go VERY wrong, VERY quickly.


  1. It would make life easier if we knew what the Conservative party and Labour Party's stance on Europe is? Are they Remainers or Leavers? The Liberals are the Remain Party but I haven't a clue what the main two parties are.

    1. The problem, surely, is they're both half-n-half. Their right hands don't know what their left hands are doing!

  2. How on earth the spillchucker did that to my last post I have no idea. I've corrected it and hope it stays corrected.

    I've never worn my politics on my sleeve and few people know how I vote - it's a throwback from my days as a bureaucrat (and a Scottish Returning Officer) when not even my wife knew my politics. However, I'm in the genuine quandary that many are in at the moment. I have absolutely no idea where to cast my vote.

    1. I'm afraid that this is the legacy of this government. They have left us all in the same dilemma.

  3. I am watching proceedings with some trepidation.

    1. And I'm very happy to be on foreign soil; away from it all.

  4. Screaming Lord Sutch and the Monster Raving Loony Party and Brian Borthwick aka Lord Toby Jug who died this week do not look so loopy anymore.

  5. It has already gone wrong, very quickly. The country will get what it deserves.

  6. I am not a British subject thus I have no skin in the game. But if I did, my money would be on Pat Condell. Listen to what he has to say if you are even allowed to anymore.

    1. I appreciate his thoughts, but he's a tad too extreme for me. I'm more on the fence than right wing.

  7. You have to remember that while you may not like certain people and their policies, it is not like the days of old. These are intelligent are pragmatic people. I shouldn't be so concerned. The rhetoric of opposition leader changes once in office.

    1. These people are dangerous. It's as if they purposefully wish to see the country in the gutter. If they were to be elected, the very first people to suffer would be their supporters. It's always been the same, but this time would be worse. Their adherence to the ways of Venezuela demonstrate this.

  8. The fixation of Marxism being the model to follow and that of Venezuela by Tom Watson and John McDonnell will not change. What old days Andrew refers to I do not know because the likes of Watson and McDonnell have not been seen before, far more dangerous than Corbyn. By the time this country wakes up it will be too late.

    1. I don't think that people really understand the dangers of this opposition group. The hearing of their supporters is selective, as with the students and university fees. They really frighten me with their half-hidden agendas.

  9. Arrived here via John Going Gently --
    Once upon a time, at a voting station in a small local firehouse, we locals stood silently in the line, waiting for whoever belong to the mud-caked work boots visible under the curtain to throw the switch.
    And we waited...and waited...and finally,
    the boots said, "Aw shit!"
    The bing sounded and the line moved forward as a voice in the back said,
    "I don't like any of 'em, either."
    Sad situation, this -- voting for the lesser evil, and not even certain about that.
