Thursday 2 May 2019

Veggie Wednesday.


We are still keeping to our Veggie Wednesdays, and yesterday was no exception.

Aubergines, rather like Mushrooms, are a very good alternative to meat when making curries, and we eat a lot of both.

In this case I took a good splash of Rape Seed Oil, fried off some Cumin, Coriander, and Kashmiri Chilli powders, then added bite-sized lumps of Aubergine. I added some chopped baby Tomatoes, Lemon juice, seasoning, and a splosh (technical term) of Yoghurt to serve.

There are certain dishes where the lack of meat is unimportant, and this is one such. What I don't like are veggie dishes where you find yourself saying 'this would be far better with some meat in it'.


My Mushroom curry is even simpler. The halved mushrooms are fried with Tandoori and Garam Masala powders, a splash of Lemon juice, and given some seasoning. A simple dal with Basmati rice completes the dish.

Both the above photos are from previous postings. I'm becoming lazy.


  1. When I cook it is Japanese and Son cooks Indian. He cooks more than I do (Thank Goodness) and it is fabulous. I am so lucky.
    I will show him both of your dishes.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. These two are so simple. Just how I like it!

  2. They both sound and look delicious. Brussels sprouts are coming into season here so tonight I'm doing a variation on spaghetti carbonara with shredded panfried sprouts added to the mix. A lot of Italian cooking is vegetarian, especially the peasant dishes but there's still a fondness for tossing through something cured and piggy "for flavour". No exception tonight as the pancetta is staying in!

    1. I also eat a lot of veggie pasta dishes. More and more, I find meat unnecessary.

  3. Both dishes look and sound delicious.

    1. Simple, cheap, and delicious. Can't be bad.

  4. You've given me inspiration. I shall buy some mushrooms today. We definitely need a few days of non meat meals

    1. Have you finished your Lamb? When we did one, it lasted for weeks; with lots in the freezer as well.

  5. I bought mushrooms this morning and soon they will join the meat cooked in the pot. Lunch for the son.

    1. One of my grandsons won't eat mushrooms. If I make a Bourguignon or a Coq au Vin, he fishes them out. I cannot understand how he came to dislike them so much.

  6. I shall try one of these tonight for my supper when I cook sausages for the other half. Thank you!

    1. Sausages sound pretty good too. I recently had a yearning for English style sausages; I haven't had any for decades

    2. They have to be proper butcher's sausages, not those flabby pale pink things from the supermarket.

    3. They were the ones I had the sudden desire for. A pack of 8, supermarket, own label, pink, hardly any meat, excuses for sausages. Luckily my desire has now gone!

  7. so sorry but that first photo looks like something winnie has just barfed up

    1. John! Haha!

      Cro, I love your response!

    2. Some things just don't photograph too well.... this is a good example.

  8. Certainly they look delicious Cro. At the moment my veggie dish consists of a nice crisply roasted jacket potato stuffed with butter and cheese and served with whatever veg come to hand. Note to self: must be more adventurous.

    1. Some time ago I had baked potatoes stuffed with tinned Sardines. It was remarkably good.

  9. That is a beautiful, healthy meal. I rather just veggie meals, but a small amount of meat adds texture and is good also.

  10. That first one looks like you dropped it from a large height down on to a plate, splat, and then photographed it. Doesn't make me think I'll give up my steak forthwith.

    1. Not the prettiest picture, but it was very good.
