Wednesday 22 May 2019

Luxury Hotel and Spa.

Many of us dream of spending the occasional weekend being pampered in a luxury hotel and spa (not me). My own mother used to unwind at Champneys on occasions, in the days when such things were still quite a novelty.

33 year old Luke Jewitt (above) is one such dreamer. He often spends his weekends, along with his mother, at a hotel and spa in Birmingham, where for a mere £140 a day, it allows them the luxury they both hanker for. Nothing particularly special in that, but HIS time there IS rather special.

In fact Mr Jewitt is currently in prison for his part in importing 3.6 tons of Cocaine and Cannabis into the UK.

He was jailed in 2016, and is just 3 years into his 10 year sentence, but the caring (and very considerate) UK prison authorities have given him permission to stay at the hotel, and use its spa, at the weekends providing that he promises to return to the slammer afterwards.

Well I do think that's very nice of them. No doubt if he asked for a couple of weeks away in Marbella, they would grant permission for that too!

It's a great life for criminals in the UK. If you don't get caught you can make a fortune, but if you do get caught, you usually keep the loot and spend some time in a reasonably pleasant secure 'hotel style' prison, where almost everything is available (including regular visits to a spa). 

He even has time to pose for photos; you would hardly believe that he was actually a jailbird.

Welcome to 21st Century Britain. Eee, it's a grand life!


  1. Good grief, I wonder if the prison is paying for the Spa as well.

    1. I do hope not, he's already made enough money from his criminal activities!

  2. Replies
    1. It gets even crazier. Law in the UK is an ass.

  3. Difficult to believe..... what a strange story. I thought criminals had their proceeds confiscated

    1. In most countries they do; not so sure about the UK. They probably ask them very kindly if they'd mind returning what they've stolen; if they refuse, they probably leave it at that.

  4. I'd be interested to know the reason he's given this privilege. Have never heard of such a thing.

    1. I've just been reading of another case where the criminal was given permission to go on holiday before being sentenced for a very serious crime. The judge told him to be good, and return.

  5. Hate the expression, but I am Gobsmacked!

    1. I wish I was too Potty, but these events are now commonplace.

  6. Unbelievable, here many prisoners complete a university degree and come out with a very broad education, no other pleasures.

    1. That's a very good use of their time. I wish that was compulsory.

  7. Doesn't it warm your heart to know that Mr Jewitt is being looked after so well. This provision plus the expense of Brexit and voting for MEPS who may never get a job yes money well spent! Am taking a friend of mine to the foodbank today he has worked for many years and is desperate for work. Maybe he would be better off at her Majesty's pleasure I'm sure a sauna would help him get things in perspective.

    1. It is often said that OAP's should try to commit some reasonably serious crime. If they get away with it they'll be rich, if they don't they'll have everything done for them for the rest of their lives; FREE of charge.

  8. Don't worry Cro. You wouldn't get that sort of treatment if the banged you up.

    1. I would demand an en suite.

    2. They are all en suite these days. I thought you knew that. Your bunks are about 15 inches away from a proper plumbed in shitter with no walls. No more mucking-out. Keep up, Colonel.

  9. Eee, what can anyone say about your post but that it is a motherhood statement. It is outrageous and disgusting. Just as well GB is very rich. Now about the taking away of bus passes for some people.....

    1. I fear you may have hit on the problem. The UK doesn't know how very rich it is. Children are now classified of living in poverty if they don't have the very latest iPhone and X Box. It's a funny old world.

  10. Here in Greece there are riots by supporters of a terrorist who has killed 11 people because he is no longer allowed weekend leave. He's been out half a dozen times though, probably planning his next string of bomb attacks, while serving a life sentence.
    One of his fellow terrorists didn't return after one of his 'holidays" and was found living the life of Riley after 2 years.
    How the hell can this happen?
    These justice systems are just bloody unbelievable

    1. You and I know this, but try telling the judiciary about it. They live in another world!

  11. Oh my - I'm speechless.

  12. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! The low life who stole four generations of family jewellery from my home last year got a sentence of six years. I've now been informed that he has complained and the sentence has been reduced to four. I am spitting feathers our justice system.

    1. The poor dear! I'm surprised they didn't take him home in a Taxi, at once!
