Tuesday 2 April 2019

R I P Cousin Robert.

I have just learned that my cousin Robert died 20 years ago. I'd had no idea.

Robert graduated from Agricultural College (Aberystwyth I think), probably back in the late 70's. He had specialised in livestock rearing, rather than arable.

One of his first jobs, in the early 80's was to establish and run a large 'dairy farm' out in Saudi Arabia. The desert 'facility' was all under shady roofing, and was cooled by constantly running fans. All feed and water was brought in from elsewhere.

His job was to get milk production under way, and to train locals to take over at the end of his contract. The staff he was given all dressed in traditional spotless white robes, were lazy, and more than often didn't turn-up for work. He was totally frustrated.

Eventually when he left to return to the UK, with everything running as smoothly as he could manage, he feared that, as no-one was prepared to get their hands dirty, the project would die a natural death. I have no idea what happened.

My cousin must have been about 10 years younger than me. His father was my mother's younger brother. His exploits out in the Middle East made him something of a hero of mine; I admired his tenacious dedication to performing an almost-impossible task.

I may have some of the details (above) slightly wrong, but the scenario is 95% correct.

We lost contact years ago, and I miss knowing that he's no longer there.


  1. It's always sad to find out that someone you know has passed away, he seems to have been an interesting person.

    1. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know him very well; we lived too far apart. He was a very quiet person who just got on with what he was doing, and did his best.

  2. I used to be fascinated by those vast dairy farms in the desert. Your cousin must have died quite young.

    1. He was possibly in his mid-40's. Yes, far too young. I have no details.

  3. How did you find out? What or who prompted this post?

    1. I received the news in a recent Email. I had been enquiring about something vaguely related.

  4. A dairy farm in Saudi Arabia sounds like pushing something up hill with a shovel. Now of course the farm would use hard working imported labour, should it still exist.

    1. Absolutely. Some crazy oil-squillionaire proving that money can buy anything.

  5. Very sad. I had a similar experience with someone I once knew very well, but slowly lost contact when he went abroad. I always assumed we would see each other again one day. On a whim, I typed into a family history site and out came a death record. It shook me up for several weeks. Wrote a longish post about it on 3rd Feb if anyone is interested.

    1. I made a very good friend when I was working on the London Stock Exchange. We were quite similar in many ways, and attended many 'social' functions together. I looked him up recently and found that he'd died. I was really shocked.

  6. My younger brother worked for a Ford franchise in Saudi in the 80s. He also had a frustrating time out there but he did meet his wife there so that was a positive outcome. To my deep regret, he no longer keeps in touch due to issues with my mother. I did hear a year or so ago that he was diagnosed with a brain tumour and tried to contact him but he refuses to acknowledge me, or my sister. I would be incredibly sad to learn of his death, so I understand your feelings about your cousin.

    1. That's very sad. Always best to keep on good terms with family, you never know when you might need them.

    2. Some family are not worth keeping in touch with. They are often not there when you need them even when you have taken the trouble to keep in touch.

    3. No doubt that is also true.

  7. My family in England never pass on news of deaths in the family to me in Canada. Fortunately I keep in touch with cousins who keep me in the loop. Odd behaviour to say the least.

    1. I suspect you're not alone.

    2. My oldest friend also migrated to Canada with her family the same year as mine.

      She said we are like a lost generation. The remaining family in the UK don't know us, only want to know us when they are looking for a place to stay when in Canada.

      We were never invited to family functions because "you live so far away". Not even sure if certain aunts are still alive.

    3. It is very difficult these days with families living all over the globe. My own family are much the same.

  8. Upon returning to San Francisco, I looked up a second cousin of mine still living here in town & found his obit online. He'd taken his own life a few years prior. -very jarring.

    1. Finding obits like that is very disturbing; especially a family member.
