Saturday 6 April 2019

One man went to mow....

I don't know how much land we have. It's not a huge amount; less than two acres anyway.

Of course most of this has to be mowed. We have a couple of  mowers but I tend to use Rory (our first one) as he is the quicker of the two, and easier to use. The other one, Mick, has a big rear grass collector which tends to get blocked, and is far more complex.

Today I timed myself. To do the whole lot, excluding Haddock's, took me just over one hour. Not too bad. At this time of year it needs to be mowed about once a week. I do it on almost every occasion when the grass is really dry; whether it needs it or not, just in case!

On looking at our forecast, I see we are in for some rain. This means I never know when I'll next be able to mow, so fingers are crossed. April + Rain means fast growing grass which always needs attention. I can almost see it growing as I write (even though it's still dark!)


  1. We have no lawn to mow but I still have a mower that I keep in good shape. Just in case a lawn should appear.

  2. The yard looks perfect, clean and beautiful and peaceful.

    1. It was a warm sunny day yesterday, so I took advantage.

  3. Paul misses his ride on mower. Cutting the grass on his little orange tractor was a favourite pastime.

    1. Our land is a bit 'bumpy'; not good for my back. Otherwise I quite enjoy it too.

  4. Replies
    1. It always looks good when I've just mowed. At other times.....

  5. Looks good. We have around one acre but half is flat and the rest is steep slopes. My husband uses a ride-on mower for the flat bits but has to use a push-along and a strimmer for the rest. It takes him ages and gives him a backache.

    1. We have some that we leave for hay, otherwise all is flat. Haddock's I do with an ordinary mower. I have a permanent backache!

  6. Looks great no Billy chasing after you!

    1. He barks at my mower; just like Bok used to do. I think it's the noise they don't like.

  7. Mowing the darn lawns. Brought back memories of my childhood. We had several acres and every Sunday in the summer we all had our bit to mow. Love the smell of that fresh mown grass.
    We would have loved a ride on mower!!! What fun

    1. We had a Suffolk Punch mower. Starting it was a pain, and controlling it even worse. Thank goodness for modern mowers!

  8. So Beautiful ! I can just see Billy running around chasing butterflies.
    My very small lawn (planted for the dogs) gets mowed every 2 weeks but in the spring/summer it is every week.
    It takes longer to get the mower out and put away than to mowed !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I wish I could say the same for mine, but just one hour every week isn't too bad.

  9. Its good to have a decent mower or two. That looks a decent bit of grass!

    1. Most of it is out of view, behind the house.

  10. Stop boasting you old fool. 2 acres is more than most and you know it.

    1. Not here it isn't. Land is common with old houses, simply because they were all peasant farms. You can't have a farm without land, you old fool.

  11. Ride on mower? For two acres, it should be. Reading comments, maybe not.

    1. I did used to do all my mowing with an ordinary mower, but we seem to have accumulated more land over the years. I couldn't do it all with that mower now; although I still use it for Haddock's.
