Friday 12 April 2019

Brighton Police.

Up until 1967 the police in my UK home town of Brighton wore white helmets. It was one of the things that made Brighton special. You knew you were in Brighton when you saw those white helmets.

Someone, somewhere, then decided that Brighton should be like everywhere else, and wear black helmets. What a stupid decision that was.; they might as well have demolished The Royal Pavilion at the same time.

Individuality is precious. It's what makes us prefer X over Y. Nothing good comes of aiming for the lowest common denominator; even in the realm of policemen's helmets.


  1. Agree, authority seems to want us all to fit into the same mould, and conform to their idea of normality, like a compliant flock of sheep.

    So many laws, rules and regulations, all designed to stifle individuality.

    They even try to control our thinking, I'm getting wary of expressing any sort of opinion in case I unintentionally upset or offend some lunatic fringe.

    1. I heard someone being berated recently for having used the wrong word. On the radio, he'd said 'coloured' instead of 'a man of colour', and was severely reprimanded. The poor guy had no idea that he'd done anything wrong (I suspect he was even older than me).

    2. Yes, it's gone mad. And I'm sure some people or groups just look out for ways to be offended?

    3. With high powered binoculars!

  2. One day at work I asked our technician to take a look at our temperamental colour printer. Ken, who was West Indian, told me I couldn't use that should be a'printer of colour' Took me a moment to realise he was joking.

    1. Maybe, inside, he was only half-joking. Sinister.

  3. I love the white helmets ..... what a shame they got rid of them.
    My friends dad owned a travel agency and coach company and, as young teenagers in the school holidays we would go wherever the coaches were going and Brighton was often a destination and I was in awe when the Pavilion came into view. As my sister lives in Horsham we often go to Brighton and I still get that feeling when I see the Pavilion. XXXX

    1. The Pavilion is sensational. Brighton would be nothing without it; just a tiny fishing village.

  4. As a kid the white helment were special because it always was sunny there and they had white to reflect away the heat! It kind of reminded me of the Bahamas.

    1. I expect the helmets all ended-up out in the Caribbean. Probably better suited there than at home.

  5. As you know, I am born and bred in Brighton and can remember this. White shirt sleeves rolled up and white helmets, they looked so nice and not a gun in sight.
    When we drive up around John Street and see them sometimes getting into the vans may tummy churns at the sight of them all in black and looking menacing.
    Oh how Brighton has changed.

    1. What a sad day it was when they decided to do-away with the white helmets. It still annoys me to this day.

  6. For the first time in about 50 years you have reminded me of the Brighton white helmets. I spent 2 weeks there every Summer when I was a kid - Aunt and uncle lived there and we skimped on holidays.

    1. They certainly added something. It was like being on holiday, just seeing the helmets.

  7. Typing carefully and without a lisp, they look like pith helmets.

  8. At least Hull hung on to its white phone boxes - a remnant of its independent phone company. (There is a Hull phone box on streetview at,-0.340516,3a,19.4y,177.23h,86.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCrULpo9DZw8geSfIiRta0g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 )

    1. Difficult to find it with your link, but I'll believe you. I'd never heard of white phone boxes!

  9. Our constabulary still wear white helmets in summer . Very smart they are too.

    1. Please write to Brighton Council and explain. Maybe they'll bring ours back.

  10. It's good to be different.
