Wednesday 10 April 2019

Billy's (and my) mornings.


Billy and I get up at about 5.15 am.

Once downstairs, I turn on the outside light (it's still dark) and let Billy out for his first pee of the day (I often join him).

Back indoors, I make myself a cup of Nescafé instant coffee, and prepare a small bowl of powdered Puppy milk for the hooligan.

It's now about 5.30 am, and I sit in front of my laptop replying to Emails, answering enquiries, and writing some wisdom for my blog page (as I am doing at this very moment).

Computery stuff takes about 90 mins, and at about 7 am I eat my meagre breakfast, then, once again, release the miniature wild beast, and take him for a walk.

Walking with Billy always makes me smile. He is such a comical little guy. Even the way he walks and runs makes me smile. Yesterday he stopped on a small mound looking down on the fields where the horses were grazing, stuck out his front legs, raised his head, and gave a very arrogant look that said 'One day all of this will be mine!'.

He's getting used to all the different walks I used to take with Bok; about 10 in all. I avoid the one that passes Cruella's house, where poor Bok was threatened last Summer. She can threaten others from now on!

He's also getting used to new sounds; Owls, Foxes, Deer, Tractors, Chainsaws, Rory, Jet Fighters, etc.

Most importantly, he's learning about gentlemanly behaviour. When asked he now sits, lies down, goes to his bed, comes when you call, and pees and poops outdoors.

He still chews our hands, feet, shoes, table legs, etc, but we'll deal with that when he's a tiny bit older.

Above he's with his friend Marley, and, below, was at the Vet's yesterday, just about to have his jab.

He now weighs-in at 7.45 Kilos. Growing fast.


  1. He's doing really well. He will grow up to be a true and loyal friend, I'm sure.

    1. He's very much part of the family already. Lovely little boy.

  2. He is going to be a great friend.

    1. For the moment he seems to be Lady M's dog. He wants to play with her all day long.

  3. Think he will bring you both happiness, they are so intelligent collies.

    1. Intelligent, faithful, and full of life. Lovely dogs.

  4. Adorable Billy. Lovely to get this update he is growing so fast. I am sure you are great friends and benefitting from one another.I can't understand people like Cruella shame you couldn't report her for threatening Bok best keep away from her. Have a great day you and Billy and Lady M too.

    1. Some people are just plain nasty. I had to tell her that I'm having nothing more to do with her; hence her annoyance.

  5. He's got such a sweet face. Adorable.

    1. And that funny nose! I'm sure the black spots are getting bigger.

  6. My first puppy taught me to wear leather gloves when I played with and brushed him. Those first little teeth are like needles.
    Billy is getting to be a smart little pup!

    1. Yesterday the Vet' said they'd be falling out in about a month's time.... we can't wait!

  7. Cute pigmentation on his nose.

    1. I've never liked pink noses on dogs, but in his case I make an exception.

  8. I like his face so much. He is so cute.

  9. Beautiful little dog. Love his pink and black nose.....will you have to put suncream on it when the sun shines?

    1. Lady Magnon wondered that too. I have no idea; I don't put any on mine!

  10. Such a fast learner! They are smart little dogs and so rewarding for that. Plus cute as button!

    1. He certainly learns quickly. We're not trying to teach him too much at the moment, just a few basics.

  11. It sounds like you are in love! By the way, a friend told me that nobody should have to see two 5 o'clocks in one day.

    1. I'm afraid I've done that for over 40 years. It's now a habit.

  12. Re the pink nose, I have a friend who lives in Norfolk (no, not that one) who couldn't stand looking at her otherwise all black cat's pink bum hole at breakfast time when it walked over the table, that she came up with a brilliant idea. She took a permanent marker pen and blacked it in. Simple.

    1. We did think of having Billy's nose tattooed, but I'm not sure he'd appreciate it.

    2. I know my cats by their bum holes. I have studied them.

    3. I try to avoid such things!

  13. Billy is such a lovely looking dog and has a kind face. I love his quirky looking nose and it makes Billy, Billy ! He is the perfect addition to your family ..... just think of the fun he is going to have when the grandchildren come to stay !!! XXXX

    1. Two arrive on Saturday! I've told them to bring heavy gloves.

  14. It looks like he is going to be a good boy. what great company for you.

    1. He really is a nice dog. He was a very good choice.

  15. Look at that little face at the vet's office! So cute. I'm sure Billy is going to grow to be a very good dog and a great companion.

    1. Like most dogs, he's not keen on the Vet's office, but he was very well behaved, and the new lady Vet was very good with him.

  16. Thank you for sharing your morning routine. Living in the States I always wonder how others live in other lands. Well, it sounds the same as we live here. Not much different!
    Billy is so lucky to have you. All those wonderful walks, doggy friends and fingers to chew on! I can't wait to hear about the adventures he's going to have with your grandsons! He sure is a cute little guy!

    1. People, and their ways, are much the same the world over (the 'Free World' that is). We may have our summers or winters at different times, but we all do similar things at similar seasons.

  17. Border collies are usually a delight to rear and own - especially if they are brought up by a sensible owner from a pup. It is obvious you have set him off on the right track Cro.

    1. The pleasure of having a dog from a pup is seeing them grow and learn. So far Billy's doing both very well.

  18. That last photo of Billy, He is so beautiful !
    Does he walk without a lead ?

    cheers, parsnip

    1. He's OK on a lead, but usually he's without. We're way out in the countryside, where the only real danger is the occasional electric fence. He has to learn about them one day.

  19. He's adorable ..especially the nose

    1. I'm sure the black spots are getting bigger.
