Wednesday 24 April 2019

Billy, update.

I was just reading that Border Collies don't 'grow up' until they're two years old. I do hope that IS the case, as little Billy keeps us thoroughly amused, and I'd quite like him to stay as the hooligan that he certainly is.

So, how's he doing? Well, the black spots on his pink nose seem to be growing. As in the tradition of Teddy Bears having only one eye, he has one ear bent. And he seems to be as happy standing on his two rear legs, as he is on four.

Otherwise he has a canine 'comb-over' on his back, with his fur all going in one direction. He has a lower jaw that is shorter than 'official'. He eats mountains of Cow 'manure'. And he has boundless energy.

I think that just about sums him up.


  1. Replies
    1. He's looking more like a pukka Border Collie now; and behaves like one too.

    Love that photo.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. He was looking up at ME, but I cut that bit out.

  3. "I was just reading that Border Collies don't 'grow up' until they're two years old."
    Sorry to disillusion you, Cro.....Border Collies don't 'grow up'... period, full stop,exclamation mark.....
    The never, ever grow up...
    they might become better behaved, depending on how well you've trained them... you need a flock of sheep, geese, chickens, ducks or sheeples for that job....
    you and Lady M will need to learn how to take walks 500mtrs apart... Billy will run from one of you to the other trying to keep his "flock" together.
    Make use of his brain... shut him out of the room, hide his favourite toy and let him back in... repeat. You will observe the way he will quickly check previous hiding places to discount them and then start searching properly.
    Our "most amazed" time was when we put the toy up on the ceiling light bar... Jake pulled a squab off the setee to beneath his toy, then went back for another, which he pulled on top of the first.... when he struggled with placing the third one on top of the other two, my thenwife decided to fetch his toy down before he did any lasting damage to ornaments, the squabs, the carpet, etc.
    You will enjoy his antics... and his jaw is the right length, honest... the BC has been bred to nip, not bite... especially when working cattle... a proper "bite" that held could result in severy injury to the dog... a BC's "bite" is bred to slip off.... however, it becomes very useful to carry things. Collies can carry odd shaped things better than many dogs.
    With regard the eating of cow manure.... wait until he backflips through a fresh dollop... or, worse still... sheep shite!

    1. We've always played a 'hide and seek' game with the dogs, it's amazing how well they remember all the previous hiding places. We haven't started with Billy yet, but will soon. I was interested to hear about the lower jaw; it was the very first thing the Vet' mentioned on his first visit, we'd imagined it was a 'defect'.

  4. So cute. Does he literally eat cow manure? I think that should be discouraged.

    1. He does, and seems to love it. We do try to stop him, but he's determined.

  5. He is very cute. Will keep you both healthy and happy. Ftoo ftoo ftoo

    1. Having a pup in the house means there's never a dull moment; even if that means cleaning-up unmentionables.

  6. He's a lovely boy. Hooligans are so much fun.

    1. I would never have some little pooch that was carried around in a handbag; I much prefer a proper dog (like Rick).

  7. A gorgeous little fellow Cro. Do border collies ever actually grow up? They always seem to be having so much fun!

    1. I hope they don't. He's so funny at the moment, I just hope he stays that way.

  8. Just so cute. Can't we have the when photo.

    1. He's very cute when he's not chewing our fingers, but he's getting better.

    2. Should have read "Can't we have the WHOLE photo.

    3. I'd presumed that's what you meant, so I ignored it!!!

  9. Ah Billy is just gorgeous. I tend towards thinking that he is always going to be a puppy in his outlook.He will grow up in size for sure but I think he will be fun, attentive and inquisitive always he just has that look. Enjoy.

    1. Mischief is built into his personality, I think. That's why we love our dogs so much.

  10. We had a lady Border Collie. She would bark when I asked her if she wanted a can of beer. I am sure they are half human and so so intelligent.

    1. I've known more Border Collies than any other breed, They've all been wonderful dogs. Our late dog, Bok, was half BC.

  11. So cute!
    We have had giant schnautsers, and especially males don't grow up until they're four or five - well, they keep growing until they are at least two years, but the maturing process takes longer. It's sometimes very wearing when your 4yrs old 50+kg puppy still shews your clothing or run if they had lost their hearing... But when they DO behave, it's really like having a furry human working with you. You hardly can say they're cute, but as every dog they are wonderful. Sadly cursed with a very short lifespan (giend breeds usually are). Now we have a middle sized shnautser, hopefully she'll have a long and eventful life with us.
    Broder collies are considered as the most intelligent breed, so I bet it takes some time to "grow up". Being intelligent means being curious...
    Oh, one of our cats has too short and narrow lower jaw. His lower fangs had to be removed because they were digging his palate, but it hasn't affected his ability to hunt mice. I bet Billy is doing wonderfully with you!

    1. It's terrible that certain breeds have such short lives. You just get used to having them with you forever, then 'bang'; they leave you. Best to make the most of them whilst we can.

  12. Pretty par for the course I would say having I lived with Border Collies on the farm for years.
    I can already see that faithful look in his eyes - you have got a friend for life there.

    1. Yes, it's lovely seeing that look in their eyes.

  13. I love that expression in his eyes. No wonder you love him so much.

  14. I'm melting here at just the sight of him.

    1. We've just been discussing taking him up to the Dyke, or along the Undersea Pass, etc. We're already planning for the future.

  15. You are everything to that puppy, you can tell by the look in his eye. Beautiful

  16. What a cutey! I must say his breath must be quite fruity!

    1. I just noticed this morning that he doesn't yet have that 'dog' smell. No doubt in time...

  17. What a beautiful face he has. I am sure his breath is not as beautiful after his meal of cow manure.

    1. I might collect a prize specimen, and put something really nasty tasting on it; perhaps that'll do the job.

  18. He is lovely. The black spots on his nose now look like a paw print.

    1. I'm wondering if he won't end-up with a totally black nose?

  19. Billie is just beginning to grow into his older self.
    He is quite a beautiful fellow, you might be tempted to say butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, when you look at him.
    But you might be wrong!

    1. 'Mischief' is his middle name. This morning I found the kitchen filled with the stuffing from his bed. Typical pup.

  20. It's all been said: intelligence, mischief and undoubtedly loyalty can be added to those.

  21. Replies
    1. I imagine that you're surrounded by them John. I certainly was when we lived in Wales.

  22. How completely precious. We've had 3 regular sized big Collies, the most gentle, wonderful puppies in the world. The tulip of the ears has to be worked on in order for both ears to "tulip/flip" downward. Don't remember how we did it back then !! I love love love dogs.
