Monday 4 March 2019

Billy 'pink nose'.

My hands are shredded and my slippers are threadbare, there are indelible stains on the carpet, and we keep finding strange things in strange places. Yes, we have a puppy in the house.

I obtained my first puppy just before I left college. He was a scruffy black-n-tan terrier named Hamlet. The amazing thing about puppies is the instant change they have on your life. Not only are they huge fun to have at home, but they also attract the attention of almost every passer-by when you're out-n-about. Anyone who wishes to meet people and make new friends should acquire one without delay.

We were living in North Wales, at the time, and would go into our nearby town once a week on Market Day. With both a cute puppy, and a cute baby, in tow, moving from A to B became almost impossible. Every few paces someone would bend down to say 'goo goo' to the baby, or pamper the puppy. Of course, lengthy conversations would then take place about every aspect of both; how old, what's his name, and in the pup's case, what breed is he?

It was very pleasant having all the attention, but it slowed us down hugely. We only ever had two ports of call in town; one particular vegetable stall, where we bought our week's supply, and a 'health food' shop where we bought wholemeal bread, rice, pulses, pasta, etc (all rare commodities in Wales at that time). Even so, our once a week trip took all morning on account of the admiring passers-by.

I should add that these days I'm as guilty as anyone of greeting small (or even big) dogs in the street.

If you're looking to meet people.... buy yourself a puppy!

p.s. I was walking through the garden yesterday, wondering what the strange noise was. It was swarms of Bees in the Plum tree (below).


  1. The company of babies and dogs give perfect strangers the right to talk to you and I think it is the case the world over. The plum tree looks wonderful. Is it a bit early to bloom?

    1. If we have a frost, all the fruit will be lost (yet again).

  2. Beautiful springtime pics you have there! We, too, are guilty of foisting our admiring intrusions into the lives of complete strangers. It's small dog heaven around here, although there are some surprisingly big dogs living in flats in the neighbourhood as well. Over the years we watch with amusement the trends in breeds - dogs being a fashion statement in these parts. The newest breed to hit the streets is the Italian Greyhound - a million miles away from fluffy Billy!

    1. The Parisian Poodle fashion never descended this far South, and to my observation, the general choice of dog now covers almost any illicit liaison between chance encounters.

  3. He is so cute with his little pink nose. No wonder people want to stop and admire him.

    1. People never said that about my pink nose.

  4. Never trust a dog with a pink nose. Everyone knows that.

    1. Monty, our Lab', started out with a black nose, then it turned pink. I've never liked pink noses on dogs, but hey....

      I've also sworn blind that I'd never have an orange car, but I've managed to have two.

    2. I've had one. An orange Volvo estate. When new, Volvo had to knock a few thousand off the price of the orange ones because nobody wanted them. They were probably made for the Dutch and Northern Ireland markets...

  5. Now Billy, you wouldn't be thinking of chewing a piece out of that rug would you?

    1. He's just chewed a wooden knob off a cupboard. Luckily it's a rubbish cupboard.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That Billy sure is cute! I can't resist puppies or even adult dogs when I'm out n about. :) That's great advice about making friends!

    1. It can become overpowering as everyone wants to stop and chat. But good for meeting people.

  8. Puppies and babies are great ice breakers, I always stop to admire both. I had my mitts stolen by an Irish Setter puppy the other day, a breed you hardly see anymore.
    Billy looks like he has settled right in.

    1. He's one of the family already, it's like he's always been here.

  9. Our township meets on the shore every day to have a gossip as the dog owners all walk their dogs. As I don't have a dog I have to wait for friends to bring me up to date with all the news.

    1. Sounds like a great idea. A walk, fresh air, and the local news, all in one.

  10. Very few can resist a puppy, and it is a delightful way to meet people. A puppy or puppies = smiles. Billy is a beauty and he will attract admirers all his life.

    My trees looks like your’s today, except instead of blossoms, there is snow. It is beautiful to look at but hard to shovel.

    1. A little rain here this morning, but 14 C and sunny this afternoon.

  11. I have heard of a swarm of bees in May being worth a load of hay but a swarm of bees in March??? Or maybe you just mean 'a lot'

    1. It sounded like a 'swarm', but was probably just a few hundred.

  12. What an adorable fellow Billy is, he seems ready to give that rug a chew! I have a similar tree, no bees but already a light dusting of pollen covering everything.

    1. He's doing just that at this very minute!!!

  13. Look at spring. It's right there in your lane. Please don't hold too firmly.

    1. I'm not fooled. Mother Nature plays jokes.

  14. In that photo darling Billy looks like he has been up to something and doesn't want to let on readily!

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I'm afraid that's permanent. He'll grow out of it (I hope).

  15. What a smart look he has in his eyes.

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing how his eyes develop. No doubt he'll end-up with eyes much the same as all other Border Collies, but for the moment he does have a special look.

  16. Billy is nothing short of utterly adorable. I love the knowing look in his eyes.May I humbly suggest that he has you weighed up! I believe that you two will be partners in crime and have lots of fun in the coming days weeks months years.

    1. I'm sure we'll become great friends; also, Border Collies are usually the most 'faithful' dogs imaginable.

  17. Loved both photos! I'm thigh deep in snow and won't see crocus blooming for another 2 months. So, keep the photos coming! :)

    1. No snow here as yet this year, but I've known snow on Easter day.
