Sunday 24 March 2019

Almost time to choose the next PM.

So, who will replace May, when desperation overcomes her?

Over recent years I've made plenty of suggestions. Tory Rory, Boris, Mogg, Hammond, etc; but a new candidate now comes to mind.

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I would like to propose Andrea Leadsom. I've watched her on several occasions parrying difficult questions in her role as Leader of the House, and I've yet to see her falter or panic. She's as safe a pair of hands as any.

As far as her suitability is concerned, she has a degree in Political Science, and worked initially in the Banking/Finance sector. She's held various cabinet posts, and after the 2017 election was made Leader of the House, a difficult role that she performs with huge skill (she takes no 'bull' from Mr Speaker!)

It should be noted that on the resignation of Cameron she did consider standing for PM, but finding her support to be inadequate; she backed May instead. Andrea, like May, is an EU 'remainer'.

Leadsom is a lucid and confident speaker, she's an intelligent politician, and she has a ready smile for even her most difficult of opponents. If you didn't know on which side of the political spectrum she sat; you'd probably find it difficult to decipher; I rather like that about her. More common sense than political fervour.

I'm not promising that she'll get the job, but my meaningful vote might well go to Andrea.


  1. I rather think Boris might be smaller version of Trump in his speaking at least. I don't know anything about Leadsom, so we will see what turns up in the future. One thing we can say about May is she tenacious as I have ever seen a politician, perhaps Thatcher excepted.

    1. Leadsom is a quiet person. Unassuming but intelligent. I don't suppose she'll get the job, but she'd make a good PM.

  2. She knows best of course. She had children.

    1. She has three children. I suppose that does make a difference. She must be used to clearing-up other people's mess.

    2. It will never be forgotten what she said, even if you have.

    3. I have no idea what you're talking about. Let me know.

    4. I've remembered now. Something about being a mother made her more suitable as a PM. Yes, not very tactful; and not true either.

    5. I wouldn't waste my breath on her.

  3. Choosing a new PM is not the answer. This is the most incompetent government we have had since Neville Chamberlain. There must be a general election.

    1. It won't be a solution because whoever does the job will have the same problems; unless of course they decide to ignore the result of the referendum. Even then the 'Leavers' will not be happy. What we really need is a time machine to stop the referendum from having taken place, and return to concentrating on other matters.

  4. I'm keeping out of this one unless someone suggests Boris. Surely not! But then they said the same about Trump. At least Boris is a very clever man. But cleverness can be a two-edged sword (a saying I've never quite understood).

    1. I feel that Boris has lost his initial appeal. He should have kept quiet until the right moment.

  5. One thing is sure NONE of us will have the say as to who is the next PM. The Parties pick their favourites and (after a General Election if they get a majority) they shove their 'best' MP into the job.

    1. I thought they used the tried and tested eenie meenie miney mo system.

  6. I'm past caring. Here's a radical idea...why don't we just do away with political parties altogether and just run Britain as UK plc with a chairman and (rather large) non-political board of directors like any other company? Elected by us voters on what their policies are, not their political leanings. And another thing...Brexit doesn't have any eggs in it, why do the reporters insist on calling it Breggzit? Rant over, haha!

    1. Breggsit sounds like a mess of broken eggs to me; maybe more apt.

  7. Re Boris - doesn't personal integrity come into things? Wives, girlfriends, that sort of thing? Obviously not these days

    1. You'd have hardly any MP's left! Criminal behaviour should be outlawed; immoral behaviour is another question.

    2. What's his personal life got to do with us? Just for the record his marriage ended years ago.

  8. Cro, you are wrong in saying Andrea was a remainer, she was a very prominent leaver and spoke often in TV debates. I agree she has done a good job as Leader of the House.

    1. You're right, she switched sides. I believe that she's now quite a staunch remainer.

    2. Well if that doesn't just about sum her up. Switched sides hey! Well officially she's still a Leaver but I agree you would never know it.

    3. In other words she very representative of the whole house.... no-one knows who thinks what.

  9. Is there any way we could get Jacinda Ardern?

    1. I think she's performing elsewhere.

    2. But surely, if we were to offer a good deal, she could be enticed to move up to a larger economy. The negotiations would be very straightforward.

    3. No, you can't have her she is doing a wonderful job down here.

  10. If they really rate her they will save her for a safer job. If they kick out May in the next few days they will give the PM job to someone they want to sacrifice on the Brexit bonfire - like Gove or Johnson. I would like to see Cameron come back for a long overdue humiliation.

    1. If they can find him. He's locked in a Shepherd's hut, somewhere in the Cotswolds (I imagine); writing about what jolly rotten cads they all are.

  11. Just delete if you are proven wrong...your blog yiur right, but you aren’t right

    1. I know who you are. Changing your name to 'Unknown' fools nobody; your bile is the same.
