Thursday 14 February 2019

Thank you guys!

The riots over here continue, and although there was original legitimacy to their protests, it has now become more wanton destruction, and opportunity for looting, than political angst.

Above are some charming people kicking-in the window of my bank (not my own branch, luckily).

I have never liked left wing gratuitous violence and destruction, but I do understand that without coherent voice, many of them have little other option. 

Burn, destroy, and loot are the tools of today's dissent. I suppose they always have been, and probably always will be, but it doesn't make it acceptable.


  1. Although this sort of mindless destruction is never acceptable, I must agree with your comment that when a majority of people are ignored by governments, they feel that this is perhaps the only way to make their dissatisfaction known.

    I'm actually quite surprised that there's been no similar demonstrations in UK.

    1. Legitimate protest is one thing; vandalism is another.

  2. Every Saturday I watch it live on Facebook, unbelievable. It's been 13 weeks.

    1. And they don't seem to have achieved very much so far.

  3. It does seem a French tradition. We had a bit of it in London when the police shot a gangster and there were riots. I have to say the armed police in the U.K. are a menace and too many people end up shot who are not carrying guns, or where the gun is found conveniently. Normally they get the right man but shoot to kill is usually not a good idea.

    I think violence is a good sign that society is breaking down. Given the apathy of most people for politics to get that many on the streets something must be badly wrong, then I suspect they realise the police cannot control them and a good riot is fun.

    I think your protesters have made Macron look like the paper tiger that he is. I look forward to the EU elections in May....

    1. With the present bunch of rioters, one really has to wonder even if they know what they're supposed to be rioting about. There are a lot of 'chancers' in amongst them, who simply join in for the destruction and looting.

      Macron must go! He's shown his colours, and they stink.

  4. Let us not forget that all protesters are not from the left and many from the right join in for their own unpleasant ends.

    1. Of course, but it is more associated with the left. Macron himself is left/leftish, and the protesters don't like that he seems to have abandoned their mutual cause.

    2. I should add that the loony far right represent only a tiny fraction of the population, which is why their demo's are so pathetic.

  5. Ever since the 1960s it is impossible to have a peaceful demonstration without it being taken over by people who just love a good fight with plenty of mindless destruction. I sometimes feel like kicking in the windows of my bank too, but I just carry impotently on like most people.

    1. Over here, I think everyone loves to hate the Gendarmes, Police, and CRS. To lob a brick at any one of them is seen as a badge of honour.

    2. French people deliberately obstruct blue-lit police cars I hear. All we used to do is knock the helmets off bobbie's heads. Now, the ambulance and fire service get pelted with stones and shot at. I hate what is happening.

  6. Unfortunately: in every war and most civil disturbances there are the looters, black-marketeers and vandals.
    We must not condone them.

    1. Quite right, and it never helps their causes.

  7. I suppose it makes a change from the longstanding national pastime of Le Grande Nation i.e. the regular burning of parked cars.

    1. Come off it Gwil; they still do that as well!

  8. They can enjoy lots of excitement and fighting when the EU elections come up soon.

    1. I see bunting, street parties, and drunkenness.

  9. When looting and violence become part of a protest, their purpose is lost. Peaceful protests, ie., Martin Luther King, the Women’s Movement in the US (for the past 100 years) and many others were peaceful and brought about change. When done right, the voices of the people are heard.

  10. Exactly put, Starting Over. Exactly. Exactamente. Exacto. Exactament. Genau!

    1. Yup. Peaceful protest will always win in the end.

  11. We have heard little if anything about it all for the last couple of weeks.

    1. I try not to listen to the news on Sunday mornings, the Saturday riots have become tedious.

  12. Who could disagree with the right to peaceful protest. Who could disagree with that there should never be personal violence. But.... A State Premier here in the '60s said of peacefully protesting school teachers, 'They can bloody well march up and down until they are footsore'. While smashing up cars, shops etc is horrible, it does apply extreme pressure to political leaders. I am not saying it is right, but it can be effective.

    1. It worked during the French Revolution, and they stick with what they know. At least the Guillotine stays locked away.
