Friday 8 February 2019

Northern Ireland.

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N Ireland, it's probably true to say, has been a thorn in the UK's side for quite some while; and with all the backstop business, continues to be so.

Not only do the six counties cost the UK more per capita annually than any other of Britain's member countries, but they also try to kill us.

Between the Fenian attacks, which began in 1867, and recent times, the Republicans have launched hundreds of bombing raids on British soil, killing countless civilians.

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald stated recently that if there are any changes to the Eire/N Ireland border as a result of Brexit, they will certainly campaign to reunite the two countries.

I know that this goes against everything that The Government (and The Crown) adheres to, but frankly I think it's by far the best solution to the myriad problems that Ulster presents. They would even be able to officially rename Londonderry as just plain 'Derry'.

Personally I cannot see a single problem to an united Ireland (other than for the Unionists). They could still fight amongst themselves if they wished, but at least they would have no more reason to bomb hotels in Brighton, or slaughter horses in London's Hyde Park.

Just looking at the map above, it does seem perfectly logical that Ireland should be a single entity.

I wish them well.


  1. The Irish would agree to union? Sounds as though it may be possible.....
    I googled
    I see that union was always on the books. Now is the hour

    1. I think so too, it would solve a lot of problems; although, I'm not sure if the Unionists would agree.

  2. You speak common sense. But where is the support for PM May's party? Is that in NI? So it won't happen soon.

    1. Traditionally the Unionist parties are more to the right, and the Nationalists to the left. But on the question of reunification; who knows!

  3. Eire may be the price the EU pays for a no deal Brexit. Which would be very funny indeed.

    1. It has to end somewhere, but goodness knows how.

  4. Sinn Fein are loving this backstop business. Playing right into their hands.

    1. Ms McDonald seemed very determined last Sunday. In fact I would say 'furious'.

  5. One more colony being would make life easier, eventually. About time even more people got used to working together.
    Ah, Derry/Londonderry...alias Stroke City...

    1. I think reuniting would be good for all involved. It's bound to happen eventually.

  6. When Brexit is finished the next lot of referendums can come along. N Ireland, Wales, Scotland. What fun it'll be. Back to the drawing board. Let's see - Wales could change it's name back to Cymru. They are not even on the union flag!

    1. I'd like to see Wales (Cymru) staying with England. We are good together, and it satisfies my mixed blood.

  7. They could always become Schengen members instead?

    1. Doesn't that only allow movement of people? They need a totally open border for everything.

    2. I am not sure? The Common Travel Area between Ireland and Britain has been in existence since the nineteen twenties. Any British person can live in Ireland and any Irish person can live in Britain.

  8. The only reason they get more money is because their government held Theresa May to ransom over Brexit when she was not even supported by her own party. If Ireland was re-united you would get a lot of shouty Orangemen seeking asylum in the U.K. and you wouldn't want that, would you? At least you know where they all are now.

    1. One could instigate a speech test at all airports, ferry ports, etc. People would be asked to say the word 'Film', anyone saying 'Fillum' would be sent back.

    2. By the way Tom, I think you're talking about the bribery millions for the DUP. That has nothing to do with the annual per capita subs.

    3. Not directly, but definitely related in geographical terms, otherwise why donate it? They don't bother with other areas to the North of the mainland unless it involves costly and ultimately pointless rail upgrades.

  9. A united Ireland sounds far too sensible.

    1. Sadly, I think you're right; for a while anyway.

    2. Sounds perfectly sensible to me too and if the Irish want to kill each other just let them get on with it!
