Friday 1 February 2019

Ms Onasanya.

Most of my contact with the outside world comes via the radio, and LBC in particular. LBC is a talk-radio station, and invites listeners to phone in with the comments about the day's news.

High on the recent list of subjects was the jailing of MP Fiona Onasanya for repeated speeding; about which she lied on various occasions, claiming that others were at the wheel. There are other equally serious aspects to her story, but it was the speeding that initiated it all.

Onasanya practiced as a lawyer before entering politics, and soon became a 'poster girl' for Corbyn's Socialist Party. Her 3 month jail sentence has been criticised as far too lenient, and may well be lengthened.

During a recent radio debate about her lenient sentence, one caller claimed that her treatment was 'racist'. How she came to this conclusion I have no idea, other than the caller was also 'black'.

Crying wolf in this fashion does nobody any favours. If every time an 'ethnic minority' criminal is sent to prison there are shouts of 'racism', it devalues the true face of racism, and the UK's excellent, and unbiased, legal system becomes weakened. Maybe that is the intention, but it will come back to haunt them.

One thing is guaranteed, that EVERYONE is treated equally in UK courts, regardless of colour, race, or creed; and long may that continue. Crime is crime, and racism is racism, but to accuse those who uphold the law as being racist, is a form of racism in itself.


  1. The caller didn't mean that the sentence was racist because it was lenient and a caucasian not in the public eye would have received a longer sentence?

    The theory that all are treated equally in British courts, and ours, is a fine thing. Is it really true though?

    But you are correct, crying racism when it isn't devalues genuine claims of racism. I had a train driver friend who trained new train drivers. One of his Anglo Indian students failed his train driving theory and went on to argue that he treated differently because of his race. My friend assured me that he most certainly was not, and he simple failed, nothing more complicated than that.

    1. The caller suggested that she was only being prosecuted because she was black, which was ridiculous. Normally speeding is met with a fine, but in her case she lied about not being the driver, and asked others to take the blame. It was all very devious.

  2. What with her and Osamor who lied about not knowing her son had £2500 worth of drugs in his pocket and was due in court they are a right example to the young. Tell lies and it doesn't matter. I see Onasanya wants to keep her job and won't be resigning because she 'needs the money'. I haven't'noticed a great act of contrition forthcoming.

    1. Not a good example to other 'ethnic minority' Labour voters. She should resign her position, and re-sit at the next election (if she could be bothered).

  3. I hear she's continuing to get paid also (around £77,000 I think). Nice job if you can get it!

    1. No work, same salary! Prison begins to sound rather attractive.
