Sunday 3 February 2019

Jeremy Corbyn praises Chavez.

With the political chaos that is Venezuela, I'm posting this video of Corbyn once again, simply because one has to wonder if he ever regrets his support for the IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah, Chavez, etc.

His hero Chavez's chosen successor, Nicolas Maduro, no doubt also had/has his support (I've just read that he does).

Venezuela's disastrous Socialist policies would no doubt be replicated back in the UK if ever Comrade Corbyn was to become Prime Minister. He lauds Chavez's policies, as can be seen by the video.

There's little point itemising all the appalling human rights abuses of the Chavez/Maduro regime, but with inflation forecast to reach 10 Million% this year, billions of dollars being regularly looted by political/military cronies, and the average weekly wage of a Venezuelan being £1.50; be warned, this is Corbyn's idea of  'a better way' called Socialism.

Luckily there are very few such regimes left in the world; let's all hope that the UK doesn't join their ranks. Gawd 'elp us.


  1. In so many places in the world the future looks scary, I hope we are all wrong.

    1. When 'leaders' start firing on their own citizens, you know times are bad! How Corbyn can support such a regime... I really can't understand.

  2. To those I was reading lamenting pension payments in the UK and the movement of the pension start dates as being unfair, in 20 years time they will be lucky if there is a pension payment at all if the Corbyn/McDonnell government adopt the Venezuelan economic model; the pot will be empty, there will be no money,and they will have run out of cover up stories that they will no doubt have been using and the country will be bankrupt. Corbyn is finding ways of supporting this regime still, as is McDonnell and with the help of their Marxist adviser they are writing the economic master plan for Great Britain right now.

    1. The only thing you've missed out, is their blaming it all on The Conservatives; which is their other standard battle cry.

  3. All I can add is that I am not sorry I am on the (so called) wrong side of eighty -I despair, not for me but for my grandchildren.

    1. I still can't believe that (knowing what we do about Corbyn) people would be crazy enough to elect him. But anything's possible. Just look how he managed to bribe the students at the last election; and they believed him too!

  4. The McDonnell government, as it would be, is a good enough reason in itself to get Brexit abandoned and stay in the EU to give us some protection from their madness. The EU is the lesser of the two evils.

    1. Maybe we really do need a second referendum. I hardly know what to think anymore; and I suspect I'm not alone.

  5. £ 1.5 wages are not weekly but monthly. God save England of a Jeremy Corbyn hypothetical government.

    1. Yes... as of today.. its 19000 bolivars.. which is 6$ a month.. thats 1.5$ a week less than a £

  6. What a dumbass he needs to go live in Venezuela and see if its like he says... I had a lumber mill in Venezuela until last year... had to leave after 60 years in the family run business... this guy is pathetic... UK dont make the same mistake we Venezuelans did

    1. My wife lived in Caracas for a while. Once (or maybe more) they were burgled, and after the cops had been to the house, even more was missing!

  7. So many of the east coast flaming liberals are followers of Venezuela. The newest liberal from NY Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants a 70% tax hike to pay for her agenda, A follower of her hero Chavez.
    God Help Us All !

    1. They get everywhere. Hopefully they have very few followers!
