Tuesday 12 February 2019

Hell on Earth.


Some wee scamp at the Hornsea School & Language College recently altered the name of his East Yorkshire school on Google Maps, to read 'Hornsea Prison & Hell on Earth'.

What a very wicked thing to do, he deserves at least five minutes on the naughty step!

If ever any of my children were to 'personalise' the names of local roads on Google Maps; I might actually be quite annoyed amused (you might need a magnifying glass).

Actually, I do have to thank my oldest (Kimbo) for having baptised our little 'chemin' about 15 years ago; I'm pleased to see that its name is still there. Merci mon petit!

p.s. He assures me it's on all the world's sat-navs too.


  1. The scampi are always changing the street names in Austria. Tastes change. I take delight in telling people that Roosevelt Square used to Hermann Goering Square, in honour of Germany's most famous art collector. It's a fishy business. Why don't they just play safe and have innocuous names like Spagghetti Junction?

    1. We do have a 'Tits and Bums' roundabout nearby, but most locals lack inventiveness.

  2. Yet when I try with Google Maps to change things to be more accurate, I am ignored.

    1. I can't offer any advice because I have no idea how it's done. I think you have to be under 14.

  3. And thus is news falsified and the world altered for ever..
