Friday 25 January 2019

Yet again; I despair!

This makes me sick to my boots. If I was a religious man, I would be praying for the poor Amazon river.

I admit to being one of those 'do-gooders' who picks-up bits of roadside rubbish; empty fag packets, old coke cans, and other detritus thrown from passing cars. I don't always bring it home, occasionally I just bury it, so that it can't be seen.

Not only do I think it looks horrible, I also detest the attitude it represents towards our surroundings.

But, frankly, is it really worth bothering to pick-up the odd sweet wrapper when you see scenes like the below?

How the driver of this lorry can sleep at nights; I really don't know!


  1. I could just about smell the rubbish. Surely there must be some other way of disposing of it. Every morning I have a short walk around the block and pick up rubbish. I hope that by keeping the area clean people will be less likely to drop it.

    1. It almost looks as if it's an 'official' dumping site, with that concrete platform to back onto. Disgusting.

  2. It really does make you despair doesn't it?

  3. The world playing field in all things is not level. I expect we are subsidising the country in your video with our green taxes collected in the name of climate change and on the brink of upping our contribution to them, no questions asked, and ticking a box.

    1. It would be good to know where all that 'aid' money ends-up. I recall that Yasser Arafat sent most of his to Switzerland; I expect that's where most of it goes.

  4. I have always wondered how so much rubbish gets into the I know !! Appalling . I hope that whoever filmed that is doing something to stop it !

    1. One can but hope. It's a shame he didn't attach a few names to his film!

    2. Frances, seeing the trials at sea, fully crewed, of HMS Queen Elizabeth, the new aircraft carrier, it featured just how many tonnes of waste are produced in normal conditions for the full complement of crew and has to be disposed of. HMS Queen Elizabeth has been equipped with state of the art waste disposal systems (which didn't work during the sea trial incidentally) but many thousands of carriers at sea have not got these advanced systems and one can only imagine where the waste ends up. 1000s of tonnes of it.

    3. Having taken the Newhaven/Dieppe ferry countless times, I used to see them regularly tip everything overboard. There must be a sub-sea mound of bottles etc spanning across the channel.

  5. I often wonder if litter bins exist. They seem to be extinct where I live. Fair play to you for picking up litter.

    I never understand why everything is wrapped in so much plastic. I wonder how much we pay for packaging.

    1. Litter is a real problem. I cannot understand why folk find it easier to drop their rubbish on the ground, rather than either find a rubbish bin, or take it home. The suppliers (of said litter) must be partly to blame.

  6. I've written before about litter in Italy which is terrible. We had Italian friends here in Yorkshire recently and they amazed how clean and tidy our town was. They also told us about the local river in Lazio being polluted by a chemical factory and showed us photos of the foamy mess. It seems very few people actually care about our planet, I could weep looking at that clip.

    1. It's shocking that such outrages still exist. What CAN they be thinking!

  7. We pay the council to take large items away like sofas etc ...... others leave them on the side of the road, usually in a country lane !
    Most litter bins have been removed since the rise of terrorism .... I always told our children when they were young to put any litter in their pockets and bring it home

    1. Isn't it terrible when you come across an old mattress (or whatever) in a hedge. I get so angry.

  8. I wish plastic was never invented and I wish people weren’t so ignorant.

    1. Humans can be very nice; but they can also be a total pain in the a*se.

  9. This is awful and I just can't even comprehend doing this. One of the great rivers of the world but for how long.

    1. And one imagines that the same thing happens all along the river!

  10. Two young divers in California spend their days collecting golf balls from the sea bed. They've recovered 50,000 so far! Some sea animals swallow the balls thinking them to be food and choke. I once found a dead turtle washed up on a beach in Cyprus. It had suffocated inside a plastic bag.

    1. Having walked the length of Brighton beach for many years, I only found a very few dead creatures. Usually they were Seagulls that had become covered in Tar. Where the Tar came from; goodness only knows!

  11. They'll be cleaning it up one day, just as we're cleaning up ours.

    1. I do hope so; they should start by stopping this dreadful practice.

  12. Many many years ago during my first marriage we had charming neighbours who were well educated, both had good jobs, and we had meals together now and then because we got on so well together and agreed about so many things.
    Then one day a huge pile of magazines was found in the hedge bottom down a country lane and in one of them someone had filled in her name and address intending to send off for something but had then changed her mind. Through this the magazines were traced back to - yes, you have guessed it - our pleasant neighbours. She pleaded guilty and was heavily fined. It takes all sorts to create piles of rubbish.

    1. I wonder why she didn't just put them out with her usual rubbish, to be collected. I often wonder why people who leave their old mattresses in hedges don't take them to their local tip; it takes just as long.

  13. Prosecute with very steep fines. Not at all acceptable in the 21st century. Littering is one of the few things you can report here and have it followed up by the appropriate agency. The default is a fine, the alternative being a court appearance.

    1. I imagine that in much of S America, they see the countryside as one huge dump; as they do in Africa and India.
