Tuesday 29 January 2019

What an asset to British politics.

This charming, spotty, geek, is a Scottish MSP.

He is 24 year old Ross Greer, and is the Europe Spokesman for the Scottish Green Party. He failed to complete his degree at some little known Scottish University, and probably, having not found any mainstream party to adopt him, managed to convince the piss-poor Greens to take him on.

In a recent 'tweet', he described Sir Winston Churchill as a 'White Supremacist Mass Murderer'. Well, let me tell you Greer, that Churchill was one of the greatest British Prime Ministers of all time, and the likes of you are not fit to wipe his bottom.

If anyone should spot this person, out and about, would you please kick his backside (very hard) on my behalf. I would be most grateful.

Twenty fours years old, and the little twerp thinks he knows better than the rest of the world. I despair!

I suggest he stays north of the border, until the anger dies down.


  1. You've been had, Colonel Blimp. He has been entirely made up by some disgruntled SNP members who are currently smarting about Alec Salmond's little problems. DERR!

    1. If only it were so. Just look at the interview with Piers Morgan.

  2. I have vowed not to think about or mention
    B***** until it is all over and done with but really I do wish our elected members both sides of the border would concentrate on the very important job in hand rather than act silly b's if Tom's comment is to be believed.

  3. I suggest you look at Churchill's history prior to being p.m., with an open mind. Not all good by a long chalk.

    1. He had a lot to cope with, not least with Hitler.

    2. Look further back..plenty in Tonypandy have long memories, and Scotland too..read about his history in more depth, seriously. He may have done the right things in the 39/45 war...but there is much more to it than that

    3. Look again at Tonypandy. Churchill was in sympathy with the miners and the local police and authorities were handling the situation very badly. Churchill did not himself send the troops in, they were requested by the local magistrate. It is too much to go through in comments but Churchill has been much wronged about this. Until you study history one never knows the true facts, as is illustrated by Greer's outburst.

    4. This is also true with Thatcher and the miners. Mrs T only agreed to close 11 of the mines that the Coal Board had requested. Scargill eventually closed the rest, but blamed Mrs T.

  4. When it comes to politics, I'm probably basically naive... but I do vote and I do read... and from all I've heard and read - yes, Winston Churchill had his own problems, but I've always thought he was a great Prime Minister. My grandfather once told us that he met Churchill when he was still a war correspondent and my grandfather was in the British Calvary...

    1. As I've said many times over, the one thing that the left hate more than anything, is success from the right. Churchill, Thatcher, et al, will always be attacked by Socialists because they were some of the most successful PM's ever.

  5. Replies
    1. Agreed. Glad grandpa was in the Aussie army..when he got sick he was sent back home, not shot....

  6. I got my first big shot job as Hospice Manager at age 28. It came with an office, a CAR PHONE (big as a suitcase) and a million dollar budget. The whole first year I kept thinking "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy" because I wasn't, and spent the next ten years working hard to prove my worth. Today so many of our youth believe whole heartedly they are entitled to everything. Humility has gone by the wayside. I doubt I'll see Mr. Greer on this side of the pond but if I do I'll arse kick him AND ear box him. My gift to you Cro.

    1. Thanks Donna. He bloody deserves it; nasty little twerp.

  7. I note he is the Scottish Greens spokesman on Education. I suggest he should go back to history and do some studying taking WW1 as a starting point, or before even, and continuing through to WW2 and begin rethinking what he said and putting it in to context of the time. His remarks illustrate nothing but his own ignorance.

    1. He should also go to Uni, and finish his degree (whatever he was studying). But maybe he was thrown out for being too thick.

  8. He's not the first and he won't be the last. When Jack Straw was a university he was either a member of the Communist Party or a fellow traveller. I just can't remember exactly and I can't be arsed to look him up. As we all know he was accomplice to Bliar in the illegal war against Iraq which ignited the fuse of what we are witnessing today. They change their coats like chameleons. The spotty one in your picture most likely will too.

    1. Straw was a menace. He and Blair both merit the title 'mass murderer', but not sure about the 'white supremacist' bit. At least Churchill worked for the good of Great Britain!

    2. We could do with him now.
