Tuesday 15 January 2019

Fruit Knife.

Last night I was searching in my bedside table for some Lemon throat pastilles (I've got a cold), when I came across the above.

It's my late mother's 1902-dated fruit knife. How, or why, it came to be in my bedside table drawer; I have absolutely no idea.

It's very small; just 4 ins long fully opened. It has a very fancy silver blade, which looks at some time to have been used to open a can of beans, as the tip of the blade is a bit crumpled. 

My late mother always said that if she wished to contact me (after her demise), she would do so in the form of a four-leaf clover. Well, I've never found that four-leaf clover, but this seemed like a sign of some sort.

I think, maybe, she'd just met-up with Bok, and wanted to let me know that he was OK.


  1. I'm sure you're right, I believe the signs.

    1. I would believe it more had it been a four leaf clover.

  2. That is a lovely idea...Perhaps a true one. I like to think of my last dog, Bo, with my husband "somewhere".

    1. Somehow I doubt it, but it's a nice thought.

  3. Shortly after my sisters death a white feather passed in front of my eyes and attached itself to my jacket. I looked up into a clear blue sky and there was nothing to see, not even a bird and not even a breeze. My sister would have said it's a sign from an angel.

    1. Strange things like that happen a lot. I think we have to take them at face value, although it's nice to think otherwise.

    2. That is so lovely Gwil... I have lost two siblings recently I hope that they will keep in touch thus!

      Jo in Auckland

  4. I remember that knife well mainly being used when mother bought a peach at Paddington Station and divided it in three with that knife for us to share. How very sad that it has been damaged like that.

    1. It's always been like that as long as I'm aware. It may even have been a bit crumpled before she owned it.

    2. It looks worse in the photo than it is!

    3. It was always kept in a little leather case.

    4. Yes, a blue one. Goodness knows where that went. I was amazed simply to find the knife.

  5. That is a beautiful little knife. So small.
    Like mother, like son. Sounds as though she used it often.
    Not so sure about the signs. Wouldn't it be nice..... Certainly there seem to be a lot of 'coincidences' in life

    1. Yes, she actually used it for fruit. It was always in her handbag. I quite expect most people who own such things just leave them in a cupboard.

  6. I like signs and coincidences. Whatever they are, your mother's knife was timed just right for you and Bok

    1. It did seem like a strange coincidence. Of course, I don't really believe in such things.

  7. A Cosmic Chuckle. Good to find the knife and the memories.

    1. As soon as I saw it, I felt the connection.

  8. Perhaps four leaf clovers are just as elusive on the other side so your mother sent the knife instead.

    1. My mother used to find them by the bucket load. She never looked for them, but said they just looked up at her. All her books, driving licence, passport, etc, were full of them.

    2. My grandmother was the same. We found 4 leaf clovers in all the books, wallet etc. She found them without looking.

    3. I used to think it was a touch of magic.

  9. Sounds very likely to me!

    Jo in Auckland!

  10. We may not truly believe in such things but it is rather comforting and a lovely memory. Such a pretty little knife .... I love the mother of pearl handle and can just see your Mother cutting a piece of fruit for you and your sister with it. Do you look in that drawer often Cro ? XXXX

    1. No I don't. In fact I must take the drawer right out, and see what's in there!

  11. Such a pretty knife, shame that nowadays knives are looked on in a different way.
    My brother always carried a knife but would never have considered it for maiming anyone.
    How times have changed.

    1. As a gardener, I too carry a knife with me at all times. Mostly it cuts string!

  12. I have an (almost) identical fruit knife which was my maternal grandmother's. I've never used it but I can remember her using it. It lived in the drawing room on the epern on which the fruit was kept.

    1. I expect they were quite common objects in times past. My mothers' lived in her handbag.

  13. You can't ignore signs and coincidences like that. Some things just can't be explained.

    1. The strange thing was that it was right at the front of the drawer; I'd never seen it before.

  14. If you find my black belt or H.I.'s bra in your bedside table, let me know.

  15. I am glad that you found some comfort in finding your mom’s lost knife. Fond memories can sooth a broken heart.

    After my mom passed away, we found a white feather (said to be a sign from the dead) outside her front door. During the next month or so, white feathers appeared often in places we went that had to do with her. Perhaps it was molting season for birds but we, in our grief, were looking for some comfort and peace and that helped.

    1. For a while after my mother died, I used to hear her calling my name. I haven't yet heard Bok barking.

  16. Off piste (as Rachel calls it)HM Govt. recommend people like you and I apply for a driving licence from our country residence. I've got myself an Austrian one. I assume you and your good lady have the French version?

    1. No, we've never bothered. It says on my licence that it is a 'European Driving Licence', so if I have any trouble with the gendarmes, I shall tell them to consult Brussels. French drivers are fine in the UK with their French licences too. On the other hand, a French licence is for life, in the UK we have to re-new them quite often.

  17. What a lovely thought Cro - hold on to that.

    1. I will. I'm still popping down to his grave every day for a chat.

  18. Just keep an open mind, Cro... "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio..."
