Sunday 9 December 2018

The Sunday 'Gotcha'.

There has been huge controversy about Police knocking criminals off their stolen mopeds as they speed around London with hammers or machetes, attacking folk, and grabbing their mobile phones, handbags, etc. It seems that the snowflakes are concerned about their scuffed knees; poor dears.

Well, here's an often-watched version of much the same thing with a criminal cyclist from June 2017. The Police don't discriminate between motorised or non-motorised two wheelers; thank goodness!


  1. Scuffed knees? In some of their countries they'd be looking at having a hand chopped off. Without anaesthetic.

    1. I love the guy in the video; he seems to be saying "What? I ain't done nuffin".

    2. Of course he ain't, like the prisons are full of innocent men.

  2. How pleased I am that they were able to be there so soon. Good bit of door work!

    1. All down to CCTV, which is the modern 'Bobby on the beat'.

  3. The police will probably be done for violating his civil rights and assault.

  4. I'm afraid that 'sympathy' is not a word that comes to my mind.

    1. It is amazing the stupidity of some criminals. Prisons are often referred to as 'Universities of Crime', but as the inmates were all rather unsuccessful in their endeavours, they don't really make the best tutors.

  5. Here the police will shoot your tyres if you don't stop. Of course there's no guarantee they might not miss the tyre and something else ;-)

    1. The police in the UK pretend not to be armed. In fact many of them are. Whether or not they are good shots; I'm not sure. A tyre at 50 metres?

  6. It's an old clip, seen some years ago by me. Nevertheless good. I've enjoyed watching British cops knocking people off mopeds in London on Youtube. It is crime that will come here in due course.

    1. Even though the tactic has only been used for a short while, it's already having an effect on the little scumbags. There have been far less such crimes recently.

  7. Perhaps Cro, you should have left Ursula/Chloe's original comment in place. I do not take judgements lightly and there is sufficient prime facie evidence (including the attempts to flee the police) to make an arrest and, in the absence of proof to the contrary, obtain a conviction. I, for one and I'm sure I can't be alone amongst your commenters, do not hold right-wing views. However I am a believer in the rule of law and those who transgress and violate people or property should expect to pay the price for that violation.

    1. This is very classic 'Ursula'; whoever that may be. If she can find an illogical argument about black being white; she'll have a go at it. She will defend criminals, support extremists, and (yes) actually give time to Chloe. They are both as idiotic as each other, and spend their days trying to be as argumentative, and contrary, as possible. I have no time for either of them.

    2. Let's keep the record straight: I have never defended "criminals". I have never supported "extremists". These are assertions you make, Cro, based on zero evidence. I have said it before: Be careful what you accuse others of. The law may not shoot your last cabbage standing in Haddocks but will take a dim view of slander.


    3. The only thing I really don't understand about you two, is why you are totally OBSESSED with me. Have you nothing else on your minds?
