Saturday 29 December 2018

Thai-m for a change.

Young Boo Boo contemplating a giant Coconut drink at 'The Social' beach club.

He's in Thailand, and he'll be starting school there in the new year.

What a fun Christmas he's had, and a lot more still to come.

His father will soon be out searching for some building land. He's looking for a sandy beach, swaying Palms, and a big enough plot to build himself a nice villa. What larks! 


  1. I thought Lady M was having Christmas with him and T in Oz or did he go to Thailand after Christmas.

    1. He went about a week ago. They'll join him quite soon, I think.

  2. How good it is to know that your son has a wonderful life, I wish each of us felt the same way with his children.

    1. He has a lot of fun on his travels. I hope he finds what he's looking for.

  3. Booboo is growing fast! An adorable little blondie....and a huge coconut.

    1. I'm not sure what was inside it, but I see that it came with a spoon.

  4. Don't want to put a damper on anything but my nephew's Thai wife moved to UK about 20 years ago and loves her new life in Yorkshire. She says people age too quickly in Thailand.

    1. I think Asians do seem to age quicker than some; hence pictures of 120 year old women etc. In fact they're probably only 25.

  5. Living the dream - hope it all works out for them.

    1. Yes, I hope so too. He usually makes sure it does.

  6. Children exposed to all sorts of countries and cultures surely must turn out to well rounded citizens of the world.

    In Malaysia we watched the man slash the top off our coconuts and we each drank the water from our coconuts. The way he wielded the blade was scary in the Occupational Health and Safety way.

    I find Asians keep their looks better into their middle age, but the fall apart in their old years. What would Asian people make of this discussion about them.

    1. 'Travel broadens the mind'. I'm sure this is true. I'd better not comment any more about Asian ageing; my trolls will become even more angry and humourless than usual.

  7. Has the law changed? When I was there only Thai citizens could own property. It’s a lovely country with very nice people, but they are a tough bunch if you step over the line.

    1. He owns a company there; maybe the property will be owned by the Co. Yes, they do seem like very nice people. I was recently watching Rick Stein's TV programme about Thailand.... very appealing.

  8. Your picture (and the comment 'living the dream') made me think of our son who moved to Hawaii not too long ago. He sends us pictures of Christmas on the beach... and loves it there... especially the climate, the scenery, and the culture. Definitely different from Texas!

    1. You really can't blame our children for choosing where they live, especially if they choose somewhere warm and exotic. It makes visiting them more fun too!

  9. Happy Birthday, to the young adventurer.

    1. May I pass that to Lady Magnon? It was her birthday yesterday.

  10. I wonder what happens when all the countries with British immigrants suddenly decide to send everyone home. Fortunately that's likely to be a very hypothetical situation.....or is it?

    1. British expats are not generally referred to as immigrants. I like the sound of that for a change!

    2. Then I suppose the UK will become over-crowded, and we'll have to send all the UK's immigrants home. Can't see it happening, although it wouldn't be a bad idea to start again at scratch.

    3. Where is scratch though, Cro. My antecedents in part came over with the Norman Conquest. However what is an Englishman? Goth, Visi-Goth, Ostro-Goth, Hun, Norman, Viking, and even the Angles and Saxons were Germanic.

    4. They'll all have to be DNA tested, and sent back to their continent of origin. I'm not promoting this, of course!
